Chapter 5

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"Wha-" said a sleepy voice. "What time is it?"

"Six in the morning. Get up! You'll miss breakfast, and people will wonder."

"Since when do you care about my reputation, Malfoy?" yawned Harry, running his hand through his messy jet-black hair. 

Draco didn't answer.

He wanted to be the one to make Harry's hair look like that.


Pure thoughts seemed impossible for Draco Malfoy while he was around Harry Potter.

"Malfoy? You coming?"

"Yeah," said Draco, abandoning his impossible daydreams. "I'm coming. You go first, so people aren't suspicious."

"It's not like we did anything."

Yeah, unfortunately.

"Six o'clock tonight. My dorm."

"What?" sputtered Harry.


"The potion? The cauldron will stir it at the twenty-four-hour mark, so we have more work to do. Six o'clock."

"I heard you the first time."

"Sure you did. Now go!" 


Harry was confused. Well, more confused than usual, that is. What had just happened? Had he really slept with Malfoy? Not that way, but still. And they had called a truce. They had fallen asleep without fear of being killed by the other.

So yeah, Harry was confused, but he wasn't unhappy. He had one less enemy, after all.


Harry arrived at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall in a surprisingly good mood.

"Where were you this morning? You weren't in bed," said Ron by way of greeting.

Harry blushed. "I, um, fell asleep studying."

"Bloody hell, mate, did you... Cho... ?"

All the blood in Harry's body traveled to his face. "What? No! I- No! Ron!"

Ron laughed and Hermione gave Harry a suspicious look. 

"ANYWAY," said Harry, changing the subject. "We have Umbitch first thing this morning. Maybe we'll get to read two chapters this time."

Hermione cast another sideways glance at Harry but allowed the subject to change. "I hate her! We all know You-Kno- Voldemort- is back. We need to learn to protect ourselves!" Her voice dropped to a growl. "The Ministry are cowards." She looked at Ron. "Except your dad."

"Yeah," said Harry, distracted. Draco had walked into the Hall, and Harry couldn't avert his eyes. Green met silver as they shared a glance. Draco was the first to look away. 

Hermione gasped quietly.


She found him on his way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

"So. Why are you acting as if you had an affair with Malfoy?" whispered Hermione.

Typical, thought Harry. Hermione never misses anything. 

So he decided to play dumb. 

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you at breakfast. You were staring at him. Well, more than usual, that is."

Harry didn't think he had ever blushed this much in a day.

"What do you mean, more than usual? I don't stare at him! Besides, he could be up to something."

"Oh, don't start with the conspiracies. I know something's up. What happened between you two?"

Harry was asking himself the same question.

"Nothing happened!" he hissed. "Draco is my enemy! Where are you getting these ideas?"

"Did you just call him Draco?"

"No!" Harry blushed even harder.

"You're blushing," Hermione pointed out.

"No, I'm not. Drop it."



Thank you for reading! Chapter six will be out later today or tomorrow.

Thank you @Pockycat13 for being so awesome!

Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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