Chapter 2

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Harry banged his head on the table for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"Brewing amortentia with my worst enemy. What a dream come true," he muttered. Hermione, who was sitting next to him, reading her potions textbook, sighed. They had been through this several times already. 

"Harry, it's not just you. I got paired with that cow Parkinson, Ron with Zabini-"

"It's not the same! You and Ron hardly know those two! I've been tormented by Malfoy for-" He counted on his fingers sarcastically, "four, going on five, years! 

Ron rolled his eyes and groaned. "None of us are happy about our partners, but do you hear us complaining?"

"Brilliant. Thanks for the help, Ron," snapped Harry. "I'm going to bed."

Ron grunted.


Harry had no intention of going to sleep, however. Instead, he sat on his bed and stared at the Marauders' Map. Specifically, at the dot currently pacing in the Slytherin common room labeled Draco Malfoy. Harry idly traced the name with his finger, before snapping out of his reverie, and, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach, diverted his eyes to Ginny's dot instead. 


The next morning at breakfast, Harry, having slept very little, ignored his friends' attempts to start a conversation and instead stared at Draco Malfoy at the Slytherin table, across the Great Hall. He didn't look thrilled. In fact, he looked thin and grey, almost sickly. He's still gorgeous, thought Harry, startling himself. Since when was Malfoy gorgeous? He's my enemy, Harry told himself. He's suspicious, that's all. 

"Harry. Harry. Harry! You're staring again," Hermione notified unnecessarily. Her eyes followed to where Harry was looking. She sighed and resumed her conversation with Ron, who was stuffing his face with bacon. 

As Harry gazed at the silver-haired Slytherin, green eyes locked with icy grey. Draco was the first to look away, averting his eyes to his untouched food. Harry hastily followed suit.


Potions class with the Slytherins. The highlight of Harry's day. Not. As he walked into the classroom, he spotted a small cauldron on each desk, a delightful scent radiating from each. He inhaled deeply, smelling treacle tart, broomstick polish, and something unfamiliar, something green and slightly sharp and-- his train of thought was cut off as Malfoy entered the room, also inhaling deeply.

A certain greasy-haired Potions professor stormed into the room. "On each desk is a cauldron of properly brewed amortentia, which I expect very few of you," he sneered, "to achieve. You will sit next to your partners, which I assigned in your last lesson." The class groaned, and everyone moved to their assigned seats. 

Snape sauntered to the chalkboard and wrote in slanting cursive, Properties of Amortentia. "Amortentia is, in simplified terms, a love potion. Of course, it is impossible to manufacture love," he sneered at the word. "But this potion will create a strong infatuation or obsession, and will smell like what attracts you if it is brewed correctly." His glare fell on Harry. "Some less skilled potion-makers will need to work harder than they ever have if they want to scrape up a pass."

For once, Harry was too preoccupied to mind Snape's snide remarks. Smell like what attracts you. That explained the broomstick polish and treacle tart, but what could be the third smell? With Draco sitting next to him, all he could smell was his hair gel.

"Hey Malfoy, did you bathe in hair gel this morning? Because it's all I can smell."

"Well, I can hardly breathe over the scent of your cologne. Must take a lot to cover up the smell of Gryffindor."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

The two glared at each other until Snape said, "when Malfoy and Potter are quite done flirting, we will begin the potion. You will continue on your own with your partners."

Harry felt himself blush and saw a pink tinge appear on Malfoy's face once again.

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