Chapter 4-😅 I accidentally got possessed

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I'll explain my absence at the end. Enjoy :)
This thing inside me had no self control. It could've at least given me a heads up that it was gonna hijack my body. But nope it just waltzed right in without knocking first.

I hated the feeling of helplessness as I turned towards my friends with my hands lit up with flames licking up my arms. I looked at my friends and they looked scared. Of me. Is this what Nemesis warned me about? Was this my true self leaking through my mask?

No I couldn't think about that now. I had to figure out how to get out of this mess. "Leo! What are you doing? Stop that!" Piper yelled at me as I tried to get control back. It wasn't easy as I couldn't feel my body. It was like I was completely empty. I could only think and look how much that was doing.

"Ah so that's this body's name. No matter. There will be nothing left when I'm through with it." I don't know why this dude hated me so much. I'm not that hate able am I?

"That's not Leo." Annabeth said while getting into a fighting stance. "This is the thing that fired on New Rome. Take him down but try to to hurt him. We don't know if Leo can still feel anything." I silently thanked her because even I didn't know if I could get hurt.

Then I started hurling fireballs which, let me just say, was totally awesome! I didn't know I could control my fire that well! Although I didn't know how long I could do that without getting too tired.

My friends were dodging fairly well. In fact Percy built a sort of water wall that made the fire ineffective. So of course it resorted to running straight through. It must not have been very smart because Jason tackled me from the side and we crashed into the deck.

We tumbled a bit and turns out I can still feel pain. I could feel the scrapes and splinters as we rolled around on the deck. But it was a weird kind of pain. I couldn't move or feel my body but I knew exactly where everything hurt.

Jason somehow couldn't overpower me. I threw him off to the other side of the boat as I got to my feet and completely lit myself on fire. This was starting to scare me. What if I actually hurt my friends?

I saw that everyone was readying for a fight. Annabeth was studying me fiercely. It was terrifying to see her look at me like that even if it wasn't directed at me. Then the thing inside me spoke again.

"Curse this uselessly tired body. I will destroy you all even if it kills him!" I was scared. I might hurt all of my friends without having any control at all.

Oh and the dying part. That would be bad too.

Then everyone attacked at once. Percy doused my flames, Jason help blow them away too, Annabeth ran and tried to tackle me while Hazel and Frank were following her lead. And Piper was shouting commands at the thing to try and control it.

In the end all it got me was a lot of pain. Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel all landed on top of me and I lit myself on fire again. They all jumped off of me and I saw Percy dousing them in water to put the fires out.

"Just knock him out!" Percy yelled as I got up and lunges towards him. Apparently my body was getting really tired or the spirit was giving up because it was a lot slower movement than before.

The spirit moved towards the edge of the ship. "If I can't kill you all I'll just kill this one!" Then it jumped off the ship.

I felt it leave as soon as there was no way I could get back. I started screaming as I fell and tried to do anything to not die. I hit the water with a loud smack and started swimming up. Turns out the spirit used a lot of my fire and I was totally drained. I could barely move my arms as I tried to keep above water.

Then Percy came to my rescue. He brought me up in a giant water bubble just as I was going under again. I landed on the deck hacking my lungs out as I tried to get my focus back.

After a couple of minutes I just laid on the deck and Annabeth came over and stared at me for a second. "Is it gone?" Jason asked as everyone else stayed back a bit.

"D-don't you recognize m-me?" I muttered as I was trying to keep my eyes open. Everyone visibly relaxed but not for long. Suddenly Frank went stiff for a moment before grinning in a very not Frank way.

"Ooh this one will be much stronger!"

Then I passed out.

Hi everyone! Sorry that I've been gone for so long. I've been having some mental health issues and needed to focus on myself for a bit. There was a lot going on and both my parents were sick (not COVID thank goodness)  and I was worried about them. So again I'm sorry but hopefully I can continue to post on Sundays from now on.

Double random question because a) I've been gone a while and b) I forgot last chapter.

Q1: Which characters personality is closest to your best friends?
A1: Mine is definitely like Jason. She is the literal mom of our friend group and the unofficial leader. She's also always making sure we are safe before she's happy and I love her for that. Love you bestie 🥰

Q2: (non-pjo) Who is your precious or current celebrity crush?
A2: Mines Cole Sprouse. No shame he is freaking adorable. A close second would be Tom Holland.

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