Chapter 2- Nemesis Sucks

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As scary as the experience was, nothing could've been scarier than Annabeth's death glare after I woke up. I was back in my body, we'll sort of. I had a feeling, like this constant shiver that wouldn't go away. I tried to ignore it as Annabeth filled me in on what happened.

" You attacked the Romans and they retaliated! They literally hit Jason with a brick! And what pray tell did you think you were doing shooting at the Romans?" I rubbed my head which was sore from smacking the deck.

"Something happened. I was...I don't know. Possessed or something. I wasn't in control. I couldn't even feel my limbs. I would never try to start a war with the Romans." Then of course Percy got up in my face.

" You expect us to believe that? How can we trust anything you say!" Annabeth pulled him back but didn't defend me. I got where he was coming from. I just basically attacked their camp. I had no right to try and defend myself. I then realized that Festus was making noise trying to get my attention.

I shakily got to my feet and walked over to hear what he had to say. There were some damages to the ship and we needed to land fast. "Guys hate to break up the rag on Leo party but we need to land like right now. There's some serious damage and if we don't land then we're gonna crash." I took the steering and tried to land gently but I wasn't very successful. The ship rocked and bumped and jostled which made me kind of dizzy, but I held on and after a few minutes we came to a stop on a lake or a pond of some sort.

" What do we need to fix it?" Annabeth asked while looking over at me. She still looked mad but also puzzled, like she was considering what I said but not ready to forgive me just in case I was wrong or lying. But she knew I wasn't lying! She's a daughter of Athena for gods sake!

"We need some celestial bronze, some special oil and some chicken nuggets." I joked on the last part and Hazel looked over at me confused.

"What are chicken nuggets!" I looked at her in shock.

"You don't know what a chicken nugget is? Well allow me to enlighten you! A chicken nugget is-"

"Focus! Where are we getting the supplies?" Annabeth asked as I was about to tell Hazel of the wonders of chicken nuggets. I felt something familiar in the back of my head. The need to block people out. The need to keep from getting close so I didn't get hurt. To make jokes and to keep people from seeing behind the mask. I didn't know why but I tried to shake it off. They were mad now but hopefully they'd forgive me soon.

" The celetial bronze is in some sort of water nearby and the oil is in a warehouse a little ways that way. So should we split up and gather that up so I can repair it?" They all nodded and split up some groups. Percy, Frank, and Annabeth would get the oil. Piper and Hazel would stay here with Jason and guard the ship. I'd go by myself to get the celestial bronze. (I'm changing this part a bit).

We set off to get the supplies by sunset and I started off on my own. I knew they didn't trust me to make me go by myself so if I attacked again no one would be in danger. So I started to try and stay out of my head because it's never done any good. I knew exactly where it was and I found it fairly easily. I cut pieces off so it was small enough to fit in my tool belt. Then I started back to the ship with an hour to spare. Then I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. It was my Aunt Rosa.

I hadn't seen her since she beat me and called me a devil child. I walked closer and her face morphed into one of my foster dads. Then into another. They moved so fast I had to really focus. What was happening?

"Hey kid. You recognize me?" She said in annoyance while glancing over at me in disgust. I nodded slowly, feeling immediate fear for this woman.

"Your Nemesis. Goddess of Revenge." She did a slow sarcastic clap towards me.

"Sure am squirt. And I have something to tell you. There are a lot of people who want revenge on you. You are a very hated person." My heart dropped.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered as she glanced at me with a sneer.

"You are hated! All the people you interact with you bring sorrow to. And forget about being a third wheel. You've upgraded to a seventh wheel which let me tell you is far worse. You'll always be the outsider no matter how much you fit in. Now I don't believe in pity but I do wonder about how you live knowing this." I stood there shocked like a fish out of water. I felt like my reality just cracked and I was falling into a deep pit. Deeper than ever before.

"Thanks f-for the heads-up." I brokenly laughed out. I started to walk away when she called out one last thing.

"Because your interesting I'll give you some advice. Your fake personality is better than your actual one."

I said nothing and kept walking back to the ship. I felt like I was in a trance. Not feeling any emotions as what the goddess said sunk in. I know she wasn't the best person to take advice from but she was the goddess of revenge. She knew who held a grudge against me. She must know who truly hates me if she showed me my least favorite people.

When I got back to the ship everyone else was already there. Slowly I smiled a big fake grin. Walking towards the other demigods I pulled out the supplies and asked for what they collected. I kept smiling really wide even though it hurt so much.

" Thanks. I'll go get ol' Fessie ready to fly!" I said as I cheerfully headed down to the engine room. I was walking down the hallway when I felt Annabeth grab my arm. She looked concerned as she eyed my wide grin that still hadn't faded.

"Leo, are you ok?"

Hahaha. So Nemesis is a horrible person. Sorry for making her be so harsh but I needed something to propel the plot. And Hazel didn't go with him and echo didn't happen because I felt like it. Sorry but it's only gonna be canon when convenient.
Q: What would be your weapon of choice as a demigod?

My A: Probably a dagger. I don't move well with a large weapon. Or maybe just a little be longer than a dagger. Between a sword and a dagger, like baton length. I could do some serious damage.

Thanks for reading! See you next week!

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