Chapter 6-Lots of words and some chocolate too

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Song is Back in Black by AC/DC because I'm back now! I can't promise I won't drop off like that in the future but I am here with another chapter. If you ever need to talk or have someone just sit and listen my DMs are always open. I know that sometimes you don't need someone to tell you how to fix your life, you just need to vent. Just know that I'm here if there is ever a need for that.

Anyways onto the story!


We need to talk is never a good conversation starter. Well it is, but you get what I mean. I knew that if I made a joke then Annabeth would probably slap me so I kept my mouth shut. 

"Leo whatever your about to say can it. What's been going on with you? You've been kind of shut off the past couple of days." I really didn't want to talk about that but I knew it was the only way that I could tell her about my chat with Athena.

"Yeah...when we went to get supplies I had a little visit with Nemesis on the beach." I looked down at my hands and fiddled with a piece of metal in my hands.

"Nemesis saw you? What did she want?" Annabeth knew better than anyone that the gods never visited you unless they had something important to tell you. They never really have time or care for anyone so for them to see you is either really good or really bad. Usually really bad.

My mind flashed back to all the horrible things that she said to me. All the ruthless words that I was begininng to think were true. I remembered shutting myself in the engine room and sobbing because I was too afraid to tell anyone that there was something wrong. But then I remembered the good times with Annabeth. How no matter what I said she always told me it didn't matter. How many days that we would be exhausted  and would just stare at the ceiling in her cabin and talk about fun memories. How she would always trust me with her pain no matter how bad it was.

"She really shook me up. She confirmed all of my worst fear about myself and how everyone sees me and-"

"Hey." Annabeth said as she took my hands and held them tight. "Don't listen to a word she says. You are everything I could ever wish for in a friend. I'd much rather have you, the real you, instead of the shell of a person you were before." Tears brimmed my eyes as I hugged her and we just sat there for a moment. Then I remembered that I needed to tell the the deep stuff. About what her mom said to me.

"Annabeth I also needed to talk to you about something." She pulled away from the hug and waited for me to continue. "When I got knocked out I had a dream and I talked with Athena, your mom. She told me to help you with something and she mentioned that something was stolen from her. She also said she had faith in me? Whatever that meant."

"She must have been talking about the coin. But what does that have to do with something being stolen?" Annabeth slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out the gold coin. We both studied it and tried to figure out what it could mean. Annabeth kept muttering things under her breath and I knew she was deep in thought. 

"Annabeth I really enjoyed this little talk party but I'm exhausted. Could we maybe pick this up again tomorrow?" I asked as I yawned and stood up slowly. 

"Di immortales! I didn't realize how late it was already. Yeah you can go on to bed Leo, I might stay up for a while though." I looked her over once to see if it would be ok. It seemed like she would be fine with staying up by herself, but I just wanted to make sure.

"Did you want me to get Percy to stay with you or something?" I asked as I leaned against the doorway to the secret entrance.

"Oh! Yeah that would be awesome. He might be able to help figure it out." I nodded and left the little hideaway. Annabeth left too and said she was going to find Percy. I was secretly pretty happy she was the one getting Percy because that guy scared me. I don't think he likes me because of how close I am with Annabeth but he has nothing to worry about. I have no interest in breaking up the pair of them. 

Speaking of jealous boyfriends, as I was walking down the hall I bumped into Frank who immediately scowled when he saw me. I just kept walking and instead of going to my room I veered off towards the kitchen to find some comfort food. Normally I'd whip up some of my mom's tacos, but today I was more in a candy mood. I quickly found some chocolate and started eating some as I thought about what was happening.

There were so many things that we still had to figure out on this quest. Like where exactly we were supposed to go, and what the quest actually was. We knew we had to keep the Earth mother from waking but how exactly? Is there like a handbook for how to lull a primordial goddess to sleep for nap-time? I'm pretty sure there isn't.

I walked back into my room and took some time trying to move around all the projects that were thrown on the floor and random pieces of metal that were far worse than Lego if you stepped on them. I found my bed finally after clearing off all the tools and things. I jumped under the blankets and drifted into sleep. 


Hello! I am back and am doing much better. Thank you for understanding my need for a mental health break and now I think I can continue writing again. I can't promise updates every week because I still have a life outside of Wattpad, but I will try my best. Thank you again for waiting and coming back to read more of my story.

Q: Other than your native language (whatever that may be) what's one language you wish you were or are currently fluent in?

A: I'm taking Spanish in Highschool right now but I really want to learn Italian. It just seems like such a pretty language and really cool to be able to speak. 

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