XIV - The Robbery

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Peter threw his book bag and stuck it to the alley wall with a web.

"You want me do get yours?" he asked.

"Why not," I decided, tossing him my school bag.

"Ready?" Peter said, touching a button that caused his red suit to form to his body.

"One step ahead of you!" I called, taking a large flap of my wings.

The two of us flew and swung around Queens as gracefully as butterflies forming in my stomach whenever I looked at Peter.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop and I followed in the air above him laughing all the way. Peter quickly stopped a bike robbery and left a note not to steal the bike after he couldn't find the real owner.

We stopped for a text break on top of a moving subway.

A man at a hotdog stand asked Peter to do a flip which he happily obliged.

We helped give a woman directions, she offered us a churro.

Peter attempted to stop a car-jacking which turned out to not even be a car-jacking at all.

New York was our playground.

As the two of us sat on top of an apartment building, splitting the churro, we watched the sunset.

"I feel like I could be doing more," Peter said with a sigh. "You know? When's the next mission?"

"I had fun today," I said. "I'm gonna be sore tomorrow, though," I laughed. "I hardly ever fly that much.

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "It was nice to not be alone for once."

I could feel myself blushing as I took another bite of churro to hide it.

"Hey, hey look down there," Peter said, pointing to a bank.

Four men in black clothes and ski masks had entered.

"Finally, something good," Peter said, standing up.

"Should I come along?" I asked.

"If you want to!" Peter said, hopping down several feet before catching himself on a web.

We entered the bank, Peter shut the door awkwardly behind us.

"'Sup, guys," he announced. "You got your pin numbers?"

I bit my tongue to keep from smiling. The men robbing the bank all had plastic Avengers masks on.

"Wow, you're the Avengers," Peter said with feigned excitement. He shot a web at robber, pulling him in closer for me to punch.

He was out cold in a second.

I squared up with a man in a Thor mask, sweeping his leg and punching him too.

Peter got knocked backward into a glass poster frame by some kind of blast of energy. The robber in the Captain America mask picked him up with this ray gun, hitting Peter off of the ceiling then the floor, then the ceiling again.

I came up from behind and wrapped my arm around the robber's neck, causing him to drop the energy field off of Peter, then I kneed him where the sun don't shine.

"Let's wrap this up, it's a school night," Peter said and shot the ray gun with his webs, making the man's entire arm stick to the wall.

"So how did jerks like you get tech like this?" I said, going to take off the mask of the man who had his arm stuck to the wall.

The robber who I had previously knocked out had gotten ahold of his own ray gun, sending a blast aimed at Peter. I pushed the man's arm out of the way and in a split second, the beam of energy shot across the street and into the Deli where we had gotten our sandwiches.

"Mr. Delmar!" Peter realized, running across to the deli which was catching fire.

I ran after him into the burning building and helped Peter escort both Mr. Delmar and his shop cat out to safety.

"You—" Mr. Delmar weakly pointed to me. "Free sandwiches . . . for life."

I patted him on the back sympathetically.

As we looked across the street and into the bank, we realized the robbers were gone.

Peter looked to me. "Let me fly you home."

The two of us flew and swung to the Avengers Tower where people were busy loading boxes on nearly every floor.

I cursed under my breath. I had forgotten to pack.

"Happy, the craziest thing just happened to me," Peter began, going up to a man overseeing most of the packing. "These guys were robbing an ATM with these high-tech weapons—"

"Okay, take a breath," Happy said. "I don't have time for ATM robberies, I have moving day to worry about. Everything's got to be outta here by next week."

He was clearly stressed.

"Wait, wait, you're moving?" Peter said, looking to me. "Who's moving?"

"Haven't you been watching the news? Tony sold Avengers tower. We're relocating to a new facility upstate."

"But what about Eve?" Peter asked.

"She'll be attending the same school, don't you worry," Happy said. "You're gonna be put up in the same building as Peter."

"Really?" I said, looking to Peter.

"Yes, really," Happy mumbled, looking out across all of the stacks of boxes.

"But what about if Mr. Stark needs either one of us?" Peter asked.

"Just stay away from anything too dangerous," Happy said. "Look, I'm responsible for making sure you're responsible, okay? Now do the responsible thing and help your friend move in," Happy said, fishing keys out of his pocket and handing them to me. "Eve, your things have already been sent over to the apartment."

I smiled, looking down at the keys in my hand. "Thanks, Happy," I said.

"No problem," Happy said with a brief smile. "And kid, one more thing: Tony said he'll be giving you a ring about that suit soon."

My mouth hung open slightly. "Could you tell him thank you?"

"Yeah, sure."

"And I'd maybe like a mask, like Peter?" I added.

"I'll see what I can do." Happy turned away from us and answered his phone.

I looked to Peter who was simply beaming. "Ready to move in?"

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