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All of the Ninja's sexualities based on ships, personalities and relationships.

Kai: Heterosexual - He keeps wanted to attract girls especially Skylor. I mean, you've seen him in season 4. Though, I do ship him with a couple of the male ninja, but I've never really seen him attracted to a male.

Nya: Bisexual!!! - She has a relationship with Jay, but she does seem attracted to females like Skylor or even Pixal. (Some people actually ship Nya and Pixal lol)

Jay: BISEXUAL! - I think for sure he is definitely bisexual and I've seen other headcanons saying he is too. Yes, he does like Nya, but he's had some of those moments with Cole too, most definitely.

Cole: Gay 100% - He's never liked any girl or even showed attraction to one. Okay, maybe Nya but that went away real quick when it lasted literally 3 episodes, but he is shipped with some of the ninja and does have a strong relationship with them.

Zane: Panromantic, Asexual - Based on the relationship he has with Pixal and the other ninja, I'd say he's 100% pansexual. He doesn't judge anyone and likes all gender identities. And with him being asexual, I don't really think he'd want to have sexual intercourse or... I don't think he can-

Lloyd: Heterosexual - Harumi and Akita make Lloyd's sexuality kinda obvious. Even after the incident with Harumi, Lloyd seemed like he had fallen for Akita a bit when she kissed his cheek at the end and he seemed to be happy about it. I haven't really seen him be attracted to any male and he's been more focused on girls. Plus, he isn't really shipped with any of the ninja (besides Nya) Except for Kai, but people often get triggered at that ship. (I don't)

Pixal: Panromantic, Asexual. Basically the same explanation for Zane. She wouldn't really judge anyone and likes all gender identities and she wouldn't have any sexual incourse.

So that's what I think of the sexualities based on my opinion. Let me know any other headcanon ideas or if I should add more characters. :)

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