Chapter Seven: She Knew

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On the following Saturday morning, Kanako was awoken by the something she had not expected. Setting her alarm the previous night for 9:30 a.m., she had assumed that it would be the blaring beeping that would raise her from her sleep. Instead, inches from her face, was a girl beaming with delight and excitement.

"C'mon, c'mon Kana-chan! Rise and shine!" Chiyo said. "E-Eep!" Kanako shrieked, coming to full consciousness and seeing the gal so close. "C-Chiyo?! What are you doing in my room?!" "Oh, your mama let me in! She said I could come up and get ya ready!" Chiyo explained. Kanako sighed. "Why does my mom just let people come into my room when I'm sleeping...?" she wondered. First Haruna, then Chiyo. If anymore started showing up, Kanako was going to have to put a deadbolt on her door.

"You got your outfit picked out yet?" Chiyo asked. "Huh? Outfit?" Kanako repeated, confused. "Yeah! You wanna look cute for Haru-chi, don't you?" "C-C-Cute?! W-Why do I need to do that?" Kanako asked. "Well if ya look cute, then Haru-chi will definitely be able to perform at her best!" Chiyo said as she began rummaging through Kanako's closet. "Is that how it works? Ah, h-hey, don't just toss my clothes around!" And with that, so began Kanako's Saturday morning.

It had been decided earlier that Chiyo and Kanako would once again attend Haruna's snowboarding and skiing club meet together. The original plan was for Chiyo to simply wait for Kanako to tell her when she was ready, and yet, the gal had shown up anyways with no warning. "Hey, how 'bout this?" Chiyo said, holding up an outfit possibility. "A-Are you sure?" Kanako said, never really going for such a combination. "Mhm! It'll look cute, I promise!"

Handed the clothes, Kanako made Chiyo turn around as she changed. "Don't worry Kana-chan, I won't peek at'cha. I'll let Haru-chi take it all in for herself." "Wha-?!" Kanako exclaimed, then thought, "Does Haruna really think about me like that?" Sure, Kanako knew Haruna liked her, but thinking about seeing her naked? The thought was enough to make Kanako blush.

When Kanako was done changing, she was wearing a simple pink sweater, a light brown pleated skirt, and black tights underneath to protect her legs from the cold. "There. Perfectly adorable!" Chiyo said, seemingly pleased with her choice. "I-If you say so..." Kanako said. At the end of her sentence, a car horn sounded. "Ah, that's probs my big sis. Guess we better get going," Chiyo said. "R-Right," Kanako said. So after saying goodbye to her parents, the two girls headed out the door and climbed into the car parked outside of the Nakatomi residence.

"You girls ready?" Chitose asked. "Yup! Let's roll!" Chiyo said back. Beginning to drive, Chitose took a glance at the mirror. "Hey, you're Kana-chan, right?" she asked. "O-Oh, um, yes!" Kanako said, surprised to be addressed. "Big sis, I told you who this was earlier this week!" Chiyo said. "Sorry, I'm not always great at remembering names. I remember now though. You also were on the camping trip with Chi too right?" "Y-Yes," Kanako confirmed. Looking at Chitose, Kanako could tell she was still staring at her through the rear-view mirror. "Hmm," she let out. "Yeah, I guess I get it," she commented. "Huh?" Kanako let out, but she'd get no further explanation. Instead, the rest of the ride was filled with Chiyo and Chitose talking.

When they arrived at the Hidden Corner, Chitose went to park the car. "Huh? I thought you weren't gonna stay?" Chiyo asked. "What? You want your nee-chan to go on home then?" Chitose teased. "N-No, it's fine if you stay," Chiyo said, showing a rare sort of blush that only a little sister could make. "Great. I'll just put this thing somewhere and then I'll meet'cha up there," Chitose said. When she drove off, Kanako giggled. "What'cha laughing at Kana-chan?" Chiyo asked. "Nothing. It's just nice that you get along so well with your sister," Kanako said. "Yeah. Me and big sis have been through a lot together. Plus, she's just so cool that it just makes ya wanna be closer with her, y'know?" Chiyo said, beaming. Kanako could practically feel the love Chiyo had for her sister in that sentence.

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