Chapter 12: Two Sets of Siblings and a Mechanic

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[ Author's Note: I really hope you all like the many chapters I have put out so far, I have been on a kick and I think it is because my moods have been very positive as of late and also because I am at a spot in the story where I have more substance. A new character is going to be introduced in this chapter that is not canon to Star Wars. My friend Griffin helped me with creating him and he will be playing a key role in Zirus's storyline. I hope you enjoy this new chapter and there will be more on the way] 

35 BBY

The patter of feet could be heard through her door, she did try to ignore it, but it was impossible to do so, mostly when there was a soft patting noise against the door. "Tonk!" Three-year-old Garoche called at the door. Zirus sighed as she woke up and unlocked the door from the control pad nearest the bed. The door opened, and Garoche ran in, jumping onto her bed and clinging to her. "Do you know what time it is" Zirus groggily said, "Oh wait, you're three. You don't know how to tell time yet," she laughed softly, sitting up with Garoche on her lap. Garoche wrapped his arms around her neck.

"I guess it is time for me to get up then," she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, "Jeez, you're getting heavy." She carried him to the bathroom, where he watched her brush her teeth, wash her face, and fix her hair. "Okay, you need to step outside so I can get dressed," she herded the small Tarkin out of the bathroom and crouched down, "Stay put, okay? I will be out in a few seconds." "Okay," Garoche replied. "Good," Zirus patted his head and stood up, closing the door to do what she needed. She spent a few seconds looking in the mirror at her leg. When she returned from the Carrion, they had to do a few small surgeries to fix her leg. The puncture scars from the bite still adorned her thigh, along with those from the surgeries. She finished tying up the middle sash of her outfit when Garoche banged on the door again, "Tonk, hurry!' "I am, be patient" She zipped up her boots and opened the door, and picked Garoche up once more, placing him on her shoulders. "Did you eat yet?" She asked softly. "No," Garoche clung tightly. "Let's go eat then," Zirus walked around the corner towards the living area to receive breakfast. She set Groche in his seat to sit at the table. "Good morning Tonika," Tarkin walked in with his holopad in hand, reading the news. Lady Tarkin was walking in behind him. "Good morning, Lady Tarkin, good morning," Zirus gave the slight bow she always gave. Lady Tarkin did not reply to her, after The Carrion Incident, from what the Tarkins took to calling it; Lady Tarkin started ignoring Zirus all together. Zirus paid no mind to her behavior and sat down beside Garoche. The serving droids stepped into the room with breakfast for each member at the table, but one member was missing. "Where's Gideon?" Zirus looked up at Tarkin. "He had a meeting to go to. in Myogatta as a matter of fact." He clicked off his holopad. Zirus nodded, "I wonder what about." "That would make the two of us. He left before I could ask," Tarkin sipped at his tea. Zirus thought about all the possibilities as to why Gideon would leave for Myogatta. He was not in charge of any trade between the families, and there was no reason for him to go there diplomatically. Wilhuff was Eriadu's governor, so it would not be his place to go unless Wilhuff asked him. Maybe she shouldn't bother herself with it. "Tonika, you will be needed today on the loading dock. What with your stealing speeders, I decided you should learn about them an incident happens again" Tarkin looked at Zirus. "Something like that should never happen again," Lady Tarkin huffed. Tarkin rolled his eyes, it was not so visible, but Zirus saw it. "That would be a big help to me, thank you" She bowed her head slightly. "I'm having my cousin teach you. He is around your age and is a prodigy when it comes to vehicles and fixing them." Tarkin finished the rest of his food and stood up with his holopad. "What will you be doing today?" Zirus asked. "Discussing some construction projects with senators and other political things that I know would bore you to death," Tarkin walked by and kissed Garoche's head and patted Zirus's head, an action of endearment that has been more used since the incident. It did make Zirus feel slightly uncomfortable only because of Lady Tarkin's evil eye. She always looked like she wanted to say something when it came to the closeness between Wilhuff and Zirus or how Zirus took care of Garoche. In Zirus's spare time, she would spend time with the Twi'lek servant women and play a makeshift game of Sabacc. " You want to know what I head Lady Tarkin's cousin say about our young Tonika," one woman motioned towards Tonika speaking in Ryl, "Master Tarkin is probably having an undesirable affair with her, and she's trying to take over." The whole table howled with laughter, but they all made sure to keep their cards hidden. "Ew, no, that is so gross. He is like my father if Lady Tarkin really believed that she must be a damned fool like a one-eyed fifteen-year-old has the purpose of stealing a man thirteen years her senior. I don't think so" Zirus laughed as she placed down her card. Zirus thought about that night's game quite often. Zirus finished her breakfast and took Garoche out of his seat once he was done, "I'm going to be very busy today, so I won't be able to play until later. You have a fun time with mother, okay?" she said quietly. He nodded. She grabbed his cheeks, "Too cute, see you later," she stood and left for the loading dock where the scenery was lively. Cargo containers floated in behind small cargo ships, speeders returning to their ports after patrols. Loud noises of drills and sparks kissing the air as vehicles were repaired. Zirus had never been inside the loading area before, only on the landing strip where Tarkin's cruiser, the Carrion Spike, rested. "Heads up!" a voice called as Zirus narrowly avoided a kiss with a metal beam, "Watch it, Zirus!" one called. "Sorry!" Zirus called back and scurried to the side to stay out of the way of the people running parts, goods, and other things to where they needed to be. She walked over to a group of men working on a sizeable cruiser, "Hello, um, I was wondering if any of you gentleman can guide me to Maxam Tarkin?" Zirus looked at her palm where she had written the name of the cousin Tarkin had assigned Zirus to train under. A young man swung out from the bottom of the cruiser upside-down, almost in Zirus's face, "That would be I, who is asking?" Zirus fell back onto the floor, startled, "Tonika Zirus, your cousin Willhu-" He took over, "Wilhuff sent you to me to teach you about fixing speeders and all the sorts," he gripped the rim of the cruiser and lowered himself down. He walked over to Zirus and held out his hand to help her up, "Yes, that is exactly what I was waiting for since the Carrion event" he laughed, "We have met before, of course not formally...Of course this isn't formal neither." he smiled, but his green eyes seemed to smile more. "Have we? I'm sorry, I don't remember," Zirus took his hand. "We fought on your third test. You sprained my wrist. So thanks for putting me out of work for a week," he headed to a workbench. "I, I did? Oh, I'm so sorry!" Zirus blushed in embarrassment. He laughed, wiping his hands of oil, "I was kidding. I still worked with it. I sprain my wrists all the time. It comes with the job." Zirus relaxed. "I'm going to warn you now," He had a wrench in his hand and pointed it at her, "I am not going to let you drop out of this little lesson thing. I have taught people before, and they couldn't handle all the dirt that comes with it, and since my dear scary cousin asked me to teach you, I will not hesitate to fight you if you drop out...Got it?" Maxam was serious but not too serious. Zirus nodded. "Good, let's go get your tools then" Maxam walked off with Zirus following. Maxam had to be at least one or two years older than her. He was tall, maybe about six foot three slender but built. His hair was a dark brown and, as stated, green eyes that looked teal in the sun. Zirus felt something deep inside, a feeling like she wanted to throw up but was happy about it. She thought to herself, no, this was something Anja had told her about before. "Lumus Moths," she whispered to herself. "Pardon?" Maxam looked down at her. "Huh? oh, nothing, just something I was thinking about earlier," She sputtered. "Oh, alright," Maxam raised an eyebrow. He was cute. She couldn't deny it. It was hours of watching the crews fix speeders and cruisers. "I want to show you something," Maxam motioned for her to follow. "When you are ready, you will be fixing these" he opened a curtain to show the speeder she stole and the cruiser she returned in. "Once you finish with those, they belong to you. Wilhuff said so," Maxam looked at Zirus. "But, I don't know to drive, correctly, that is," she gritted her teeth. "I'll teach you, don't worry about it." he softly punched her shoulder and turned away to leave. The com speaker sounded, "Tonika Zirus, report to the office of Wilhuff Tarkin." "Looks like you're needed. Let's call it a day then," Maxam called to her, "See you tomorrow, first thing!" "Sure thing!" She yelled back and ran up to the catwalk to head inside, disregarding her filthy hands. She walked into the office to see Wilhuff, Gideon, and someone she never expected to see. "Hello, Tonika" Ariso stood there beside Gideon with a smug grin on his face. "Ariso," She felt anger replacing the feeling of the lumus moths that dwelled in her stomach. She took her place beside Wilhuff and looked up to him for an answer to an unspoken question. "I decided to follow your advice, bother, and I decided to take on a Zirus as well." Gideon spoke up. "I can see that. I do hope you plan to train them in their best interest and not for petty competition" Wilhuff's tone was low and serious. "I have Ariso's best interests at heart, believe me," Gideon reassured. Tonika and Ariso stared daggers at each other, "Does he get to take the test too?" Tonika spoke up. "I will make sure of it," Wilhuff placed his hand on her shoulder. "What test?" Ariso's intimidating demeanor changed. "You will find out when the time comes, don't worry about it," Gideon smiled. Ariso was shown to his room, which was not far from Tonika's. The day went from good to bad, but she could not let that get to her. She would be with Maxam for a while, so she would most likely not be around Ariso at all and only see him at dinner and breakfast. She was thinking all of this over as she watered her plants, a knock at her door interrupted her. The first thing she felt was anger because all she could think of was Ariso coming to bother her. "Ariso, I would much rather not see you leave," she spoke sternly at the closed door. "I don't know who Ariso is, but I will leave if you want me to," Maxam's voice replied. Zirus felt her stomach drop and quickly opened the door, "Maxam, wait! I'm sorry. I thought you were my brother. Gideon is mentoring him. He is in that room over there," She pointed down the hall. "Oh, I see. I suppose you two don't get along then" Maxam rocked on the balls of his feet. "Not one-bit," Zirus sighed. "Well, I came over here because you forgot your tool belt. You should keep it with you for now until I find a spot for your things" Maxam handed her the heavy belt. "Thanks, gosh, I feel bad for yelling at you," she blushed. "Don't worry about it, I'm yelled at all day," he laughed and looked a little past her, "If I didn't know any better, I would assume that you are living in one of the courtyard gardens with all those plants you have." "Oh, yes, I am hoping to go into botany for a career." Zirus laughed nervously. "It looks nice," he nodded. "Thank you," she looked down slightly. "Well, I best be off. First thing tomorrow, right?" he looked at her. "Right," she nodded. He smiled, "Don't let that brother of yours get you upset, alright." She nodded. He said his goodbyes and left. When Maxam was out of view, Ariso's door opened, "Does father know you have a boyfriend?" Ariso taunted. "Oh, shut your mouth before I put a hook in it," she hissed and closed her door behind herself. She smiled to herself with her back to the door, looking at the belt in her hands. Tomorrow is another day, and it shall be one without Ariso completely messing it up.

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