Chapter 1: Runt of the Litter

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38 BBY

"So, you have been invited to the famous Zirus hunting party?" Jova sat across from his nephew. "Yes, It has been a while since I last saw Kiado Zirus. He has retired, yes?" Wilhuff asked his uncle. "Yes, he decided that it was time for him to start a family of his own and govern Myogatta. I still keep in contact with him. A loyal friend he is," Jova took a sip of his cognac. "I have heard otherwise," Wilhuff arched his eyebrow at his uncle's statement. "The Zirus family has been serving under our family for generations. Kiado was, in a way, a coward, sure, but when we worked together, it was great" Jova was amused at his nephew's skepticism, "The Zirus family are very loyal people. Almost as loyal as their beloved Snake Hounds but it is very hard to find the one that will work for you best... It's a tradition of theirs to have four children with each generation". "So out of the four, you picked Kiado, Why?" Wilhuff asked. "I picked him because of a saying I heard while I visited Myogatta. Kiado wasn't the most prideful of his father's children but grew to be the most successful with my guidance," Jova shrugged. "What was the saying?" Wilhuff leaned in intently. "Well, like their Snake Hounds, the runt of the litter is the one who, if not most times, always prevails to be the strongest and fiercest. Kiado was the runt of the litter, so I chose him, and now he is the highest-ranking officer in the entire Zirus clan. If you intend to do business with the family, my advice is to pick the runt" Jova smiled at Wilhuff.

The next morning came, and Wilhuff Tarkin left the family compound on Eriadu, setting a course for the Zirus family compound on Myogatta. When he arrived, the collection of staff and the Zirus family, both immediate and extended, greeted him. As he stepped out of the cruiser, Kiado Zirus walked over to him and took his hand, "Wilhuff Tarkin, it is an honor for you to join us for the hunt." "It was an honor receiving an invitation" Tarkin gripped Kiado's hand with the same firmness as Kiado gripped his. Kiado took young Tarkin to his family, "This is my wife Setsa and our four children-" Kiado stopped, "Where is Tonika?" his pleased mood seemed to switch as he looked at his eldest son. "I don't know," Ariso spoke. "The three of you locate your sister and bring her here...Now!"

Kiado said sternly. "They don't need to find me; I was just busy with the hounds" a young girl about the age of thirteen came strolling over, covered in dirt with a Myogattese Snake Hound pup in her arms. Kiado grabbed his daughter's arm firmly and glared at her. She said nothing. Tarkin watched and noticed the large scar that adorned the left side of her face. Her brothers snickered at how she angered their father but soon stopped as he shot the three of them a look, he turned back around to face Tarkin, "I am so sorry, my daughter is um...Troublesome at times," he smiled. "I see," Tarkin replied, eyes still on the youngest of the Zirus children. The family and Tarkin filed into the compound. The servants were taking their leave to their designated entries to the home.

"The hunt does not start until tomorrow at suns rise; tonight is mainly a night of preparation for both our weapons and ourselves. This will be the first year for my sons," Kiado beamed proudly. "And what of your daughter?" Tarkin asked. "Tonika?" Kiado scoffed, "She is a sympathizer of animals. She would rather hurt herself than harm a creature. She is unfit for the job; she would be of better use to work among her mother, aunts, and cousins and prepare for aiding whoever gets hurt". All said in front of Tonika, and she stared blankly ahead as the Snake Hound pup gummed at her fingers.

The day passed on with lots of food and talking. The Zirus' men and Tarkin spoke of politics while the women talked amongst themselves. Tonika sat alone watching everyone from the gathering room balcony silently cursing her brothers, who tried their best to speak of adult things with the family's honored guest. He looked bored to her, Tarkin, and only looked as if he was tolerating her brothers. He probably was, what man of rising rank would enjoy the blathering of boys aged fourteen to sixteen? Tonika laughed to herself and pitied the poor guest but stopped when he looked up at her. They stared in silence for a couple of seconds until Kiado and his brothers pushed aside the three sons of Kiado.

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