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deadlines growing exponentially nearer,
i will do it, and it will be good! i say as i shiver.
still, i panic as i prepare to complete,
i hold my breath and take a seat,

after much thinking and rethinking,
i cant shake off this feeling, resembling sinking.
this fear of defeat and thoughts of dissatisfaction,
the action of taking my life into my own hands...

i cannot say it takes much effort;
i cannot say it takes much time;
but i just cannot complete this task,
for this ailing little brain of mine

ignores every little thing that i ask.
this race in which i was forced to live through,
no matter what each small thing comes to,
will never fucking stop. if i had to say—

if i had to guess what i needed to do
in order to get what i want, to stop this blue,
i would say to you, ive had a breakthrough,
tu ne peux jamais obtenir ce que tu veux!

jamais, jamais, jamais!

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