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i see my skin creak open
and the cracks widen and i cave in
the blood gushes from inside me
like i am dying a slow and breathless death

still i am not
but i am wrapping myself up
i am placing myself into my casket
i am plucking my feathers one by one

i leave a trail of blood wherever i go
and destroy peoples confidence in me as well
i lust for my own dissection
my own lobotomy

i tie myself to my bedpost
and starve to death leaning there
like a suicidal dog on a chain
i am strangled and holding my hands over my neck

my skin is red and full to the brim
my bones are waiting for me to let them free
i am ready to ruin everything ready to explode
i am ready to see you hate me

my darkest mindWhere stories live. Discover now