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your face sparks a flame in my mind
you make my gums pulse
you make me feel small
you make my body ache

you walk in and i rot from the inside out
you tap the desk and my heart lurches
your eyes are burrowing into my skin
you make my stomach sick

evil is growing between you and me
i can feel your jaw clenching
my blood is draining into your hands
i look up at you and softly you hold me

i watch you from the audience
i pray into my fists made in impatience
i stare into the marble floor and cant blink
i am stolen by your burning face

i cant let you go
in my mind you are touching me
i am hot to the touch and salivating
you are taking everything from me

i am stuck inside of a stained glass window
crowds look at me in sudden silent feeling
you are speaking to me but i cant hear you
all i know is the feeling of you inside me

you dig your fingers into my fresh wounds
you know i will be who you want me to be
i cant breathe with you touching me
we dont ever sleep

my darkest mindWhere stories live. Discover now