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I still remember, third of December.
Me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you.

It was just another day in the year of 1974, specifically December 3rd. I was at the recording studio of Ridge Farm, and I was sitting up on the couch of the recording studio, leaning my head onto my Deaky's shoulders, while staring at the blonde on the other side of the room. Roger Meddows Taylor.

His blonde locks flowed so carelessly, his lips pouted (something that was an instinct to him when he drums that I found adorable), while he recorded the drum's part in their new song "Bohemian Rhapsody". Freddie's angelic voice echoed through the recording booth, and the song was beautiful, but I could only focus on him. It wasn't until Deaky shook his shoulder that I was broke out of my thoughts.

"Wouldn't want to be obvious now, little sis?" I shook my head with a smile at my twin brother. He was forced to bring me here, but he didn't mind, because the boys enjoyed my company.

As my brother, Deaky knew about my feelings about Roger. We were twins, for God's sake. He would know.

"I just-" Not being able to formulate the words, I just stood up and walked to the mixers, and as I sat there, I saw a khaki-colored sweater and wore it. If it was owned by any of the boys, I know they wouldn't mind.

After sulking in the mixing booth, scribbling some things on paper, someone's voice suddenly spoke up.

"That looks good on you than it did on me, little Deacon." Only one person would call me that so playfully, and I traced back the voice and was met with Roger's baby blue eyes, a playful grin on his lips. His hair was all over the place, but he was beautiful.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind." I said shyly to him, and he walked up around me and put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a side hug.

"Of course not." He said as he sat up next to me, a smile on his lips, as he threw his prescription sunglasses on his face.

Only if you knew, how much I liked you.

As they moved on to the next song, Freddie was singing the vocals to "Love of My Life". Roger and I were sat on the couch, but he was on the far end of it, while he and Brian were just talking.

I couldn't help but glance at him. I wanted to be with him, but then again, I knew in myself he never saw me as more than a little sister. But there's that instinct in me to somehow admit it to him, tonight. I may embarrass myself, but I can say that I have no regrets. What if there's a chance? Maybe. Just maybe. Maybe he likes me back.

But I watch your eyes as she walks by.
What a sight for sore eyes.

As I was walking out of the farm to get some fresh air, I saw a girl with brown hair coming from a car that just parked, and she got closer and waved, I realized it was Veronica.

"Roni!" I ran to her with so much excitement and engulfed her in a hug. You see since it has always been Deaky and I all our lives, and because of that, I never had someone to have girl talks with, but when Deaky met Veronica, we were inseparable. I would always joke that I'd steal Veronica from him if I could.

"Oh my God! Does Deaky know? How's little Robert? H-how?" I was rambling on from so much excitement. At last, a different person after spending 2 months with those 4 blokes.

"Calm down, Y/N, okay?" Veronica said with a small laugh. "No, Deaky doesn't know, so keep it down. Little Robert's back home with my mom. I got here because I had my friend take me here since I discovered she's from here, as all. She decided to pick me from Leicester and drive us here."

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