Lazin' On A Sunday Afternoon

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AS I OPENED MY EYES, what had greeted me was the beautiful face of my husband, Roger Taylor.

Out of all the ladies in the world, I was lucky enough to call him mine, while lots of others could only dream to be in my shoes.

"You can take a picture, love." Roger muttered with the mischiveous laugh he had. His eyes were still closed, but the smile was already so evident by the crinkles of his eyes. I quickly slapped his shoulder with a grin as here he was being a tease that he always will be.

"Ouch!" Roger said with a laugh as he finally opened his baby blue eyes. I could only stick my tongue out at him like a kid, and give him a genuine smile. "You are so cute when you do that."

"Do what?" I asked him quizzically.

"You scrunch your nose when you smile," Roger said as he brushed my H/C locks through his fingers, and a smile painted on his face as he does so.

After what felt like lightyears looking into each other's eyes, Roger smashed his lips unto mine, and he did so, I straddled him and placed myself on top of hip, lips still locked with each other.

"Feisty. Me likey." Roger muttered in between kisses and I couldn't help but just laugh at his words.

Roger captured my lips on his, both of us fighting for dominance as his hand runs down to the valley of my breasts, eliciting an ecstatic moan from my lips.

The make-out session lasted for about 15 minutes before we were both breathless and sweaty, now I was laying on his chest, both of us shirtless, and he was just running his fingers through my h/c locks.

"Hey, you don't happen to have a rehearsal today, right?" I asked him as I questioned his presence on a Sunday here in the house.

"Fred cancelled today, so it's out." Roger muttered as he quickly grabbed a cigarette from our bedside table and lit it up. "Why? You don't want me here?" Roger said with a laugh, his tongue flicking like it always did when he said something snarky.

"Of course, I do." I slapped his chest and stole the cigarette from his fingers, and took a hit on it, and blew the smoke upwards and away from or faces (don't smoke kids!). "I was thinking, maybe we could do a lazy Sunday?" I said to him with a bright smile as I gazed upon his face, and he looked straight as if debating whether he's up for it or not, before he shifted his gaze to my face.

"Lazy day, huh?" Roger said as he questioned me.

"I was just thinking that we just always go out whenever we are both free, but I kind of thought that I just wanna lay-low today, and just spend it with you." I spoke with a shrug as I draw circles in his chest before looking up to meet his gaze.

"Well, I guess that's good, and I do really need a break from waiting outside the dressing room with you looking good wearing everything, I'd much rather see you wearing my clothes with barely anything to cover your bum." Roger spoke with a grin as he squeezed my bum, which I quickly slapped his hand with a smile.

"You're so naughty, and it's unfortunate how much I love you." I said as I kissed his lips and we looked at each other for a moment appreciating everything about each other.


"Rog! Breakfast is ready!" I spoke from our kitchen as I finished up cooking the breakfast he requested which were bacon and eggs.

I was exactly wearing what Roger has wanted me to. I was wearing one of his shirts that were a little too big for me, and I was wearing red booty shorts, just to tease him around.

"I'm he-" Just as he got down the stairs, he saw me as my back faced him as I was arranging our table. His very own fantasy of me wearing his shirts, a reality in front of him.

"Now you will be the death of me." Roger said as he wrapped his arms around me with a laugh, as he started kissing my neck.

"We can save this for later, you know? We gotta eat breakfast." I spoke as I leaned my back to rest on his embrace.

"I'd rather ea-"

"Uh-uh, that is disgusting. We can save all these dirty talk for later." I spun around from his grasp as I put my finger between his slips, as stern look on my face.

"Always so feisty." Roger said as he slowly kissed my hand.

"You know you love me." I said with a grin before I lightly patted his face, which a grin was sent back at me, and again, as kiss on my forehead.

That was a gesture I have always loved about Roger, he would always do that with so much love. People just don't know it, but he was the sweetest guy I have ever known, and nothing would change that.

As we finished eating and zoning out for a bit, we were now laid on our couch, and the sun had already started to set. It was around 3pm.

"Now, what do you wanna watch?" Roger asked me as he stood in front of our television.

"Can we watch 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'?" I asked him with a grin. Roger knows I love David Bowie, and he sometimes gets jealous of it. I mean they have seen each other before, so it's no shock that he'd be threatened by him.

"What? No! I'm tired of getting jealous of David, and look Y/N, we both see him a lot in between gigs." Roger spoke with annoyance, but I know he was just a bit jealous. I mean yeah, I did love the man and he was attractive, but rubbing it in Roger's face just made it 10x more fun.

"You're just jealous." I said with a grin and he just knitted his eyebrows at me and I imitated him, but he wasn't laughing, so I put my arms up in defeat. "Fine. Let's just watch 'The Exorcism', and then 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' afterward."

"You know if I had loves you based on your movie choices, I would've definitely just not want you." Roger spoke in a teasing manner, and I flipped him off for it.

"Such a lady. This is why I love you." Roger replied as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I put ny arms around his neck.

I know it was weird, but that was what I wanted to watch, and there was no taking it back, so the night was filled with sodas, cheese popcorns, and a whole ton of cuddles.

Roger's POV

As Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard kissed in the rain on-screen, I hear some soft snores from my shoulder, and there she was sleeping softly on my shoulder, our bodies inside of blankets. Y/N was beautiful as ever, her h/l h/c hair laid ever so softly against my shoulders, her face just the face of pure beauty, and I could not be more lucky to have her in my life. I softly placed a kiss on her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo that always felt like home to me.

"Okay, let's settle down already." I slowly removed her arms that was around my torso and ended up receiving a whine from her as she held me tighter against her body.

"Nooooo" She said with a tired voice, her eyes closed. Her eyebrows knit together as she whined, giving me the most adorable sight I have ever seen.

"Babe, we gotta go up..." I tried to argue with her as she continued locking me up in her arms.

"Let's just sleep here." She said as she buried her face to my chest.

"Okay, we'll stay here." I said as I picked up the remote to turn off the television. I once again gazed at her with glee. "I love you so much, Y/N."

This time, I kissed her on the lips. I didn't expect a reply from her, but what I received could not make me anymore happier.

"I love you so much, Taylor."

I was the luckiest guy on the planet, I just know it.

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