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This is for my little sister Macey_McCartney <3



"SURE, FRED." , Y/N muttered on the phone, while talking to her best friend, Freddie. She saw her husband, Roger, his towel hanging over his perfectly toned body, and his blonde hair still dripping from his bath. When he saw her on the phone, he furrowed his brows in question.

"I'll see you both in a bit, Fred. Goodbye." Y/N said with a smile, as she put down the telephone, while Roger nodded in understanding who was on the other side of the line.

"What's 'see you' with Fred?" Roger spoke up while he was putting a white shirt over his head.

"Well, Fred asked us to babysit Micky." She said to with a smile to him as she wrapped her arms around his waist, and placed her chin on his neck.

Micky is Freddie's daughter. Well, adopted daughter that is. She was already 8 years old, and has a huge amazement with the couple, well mostly Y/N, but Roger is his favorite uncle out of the 3. Y/N had always loved Micky, she was hilarious and just as chaotic as his father, almost as if Freddie was her biological father.

"You know that little girl likes you, a lot? She was already asking when we were gonna have a playmate for her?" Roger said with a laugh, and started to face Y/N, and she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. "Would you tell me when can that happen, Mrs. Taylor?" After two years, she still can't believe she was married to this blonde infront of her. It was as if it wasn't possible when she first saw him at Ealing College with Freddie.

"Answer is soon." Y/N said to him and kissed his cheek, and patted it afterwards. "But now, I gotta make food for Micky, and as she always requested, a grilled cheese sandwich." She had unclasped her arms from his neck, but he quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her back to him.

"But your husband requests a kiss, first?" He said with a pouty lip, as his blonde hair carefully fell on his face.

"You are adorable, Taylor." Y/N said to him with a smile as she brushed the hair from his face to reveal his cerulean-colored orbs.

Y/N quickly kissed him on the lips, but what was a simple kiss ended up as a make-out session when he captured her lips in his, his lips fighting for dominance against her, which she then quickly gave in. Her hand was tugging at his blonde locks, and that earned a grunt from him. Even at the moment of passion and lust, Y/N was still on her right mind.

"Roger?" Y/N said breathelessly still kissing him, and his lips moved to her neck, continuing the trail of kisses. Y/N quickly pulled back, breathless from the kiss. "I need to prepare for Micky, and we don't wanna show up with make-out hair."

Roger quickly brushed his thumb in his pink lips, brushed his locks, and looked at me. "You're probabbly right." Roger approached her and held her in the waist. "God, I don't deserve you." Roger spoke with a smile.

"Flattery won't cook a grilled cheese." Y/N said with a laugh. "Okay, I'm gonna go down now." She said as she casually walked off their shared room. But as she was about to walk off, she leaned to the door frame and faced him. "Love?"

"Yes?" Roger asked her with raised brows.

"Could you maybe clean downstairs? I'm gonna prepare us the food, and I want it to be clean downstairs for Micky, since she's got that asthma thing. Wouldn't wanna risk getting the girl sick." She had asked him with a smile.

"Sure, love!" Roger returned the smile and couldn't help but think, if Y/N was just here with their niece, what if it was their own child? He couldn't even fathom how he got so lucky with a girl as responsible as her.

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