Chapter 19- Suburban Couple's Dream

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I wake up the next morning before Emily. I roll over in bed and check the time on the watch atop the bedside table. It's 9:00am.

I roll back over to face her. I watch her inhale and exhale as she sleeps peacefully.  Her bangs are a mess and her eyes are darting back and forth under her lids and I think to myself that she must be dreaming about something rather interesting.

I plant a kiss on her forehead before getting up as quietly as I can and walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I put on a sweater I find in her bag over my panties and bra, closing the bedroom door behind me as I walk into the kitchen to make her some breakfast.

I'm not the best cook in the world, but I can definitely cook better than Emily. I whip up some pancakes with a side of bacon. The sun shines into my living room which I have a perfect view of from the kitchen. My apartment is quaint in size, but I rather like it that way.

I put on a pot of coffee for the both us before returning back to the pancakes and flipping them over. I hear a squeak from the bedroom door and look up to see her adorable tired eyes looking at me.

"You weren't supposed to be up yet," I say with a disappointed sigh. "Sorry to have burdened you with my presence," Emily jokes sarcastically as she steps out of my bedroom.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, it's just-" I hesitate before continuing, "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed," I inform her as she saunters over to me. I wrap my arms around her waist and she kisses my forehead.

"You know you're incredible, right?" she says and I glance up in thought before replying, "I am pretty great, aren't I?". She laughs and nods, taking a step back from me.

"You look cute in that sweater," she comments. I look down at the knitted, green top and smile at her, blushing a little. "Take a seat. It's almost done," I tell her and she reluctantly sits down, wanting to stay with me in the kitchen.

After about two minutes, I bring over our food on two plates, setting hers in front of her. "Oh, I almost forgot. I picked up the newspaper," I tell her as I place the paper on the table. "I know you like to read it in the morning," I add and she hums approvingly as I sit down across from her.

I watch as she opens up the paper and begins to read. I can't help but smile to myself as I think that this must be the picture of every suburban couple's dream. A plate of warm breakfast, a paper in hand. I mean, excluding the lesbian part, of course.

I notice her hair is no longer a mess and I grin as I take a bite of the pancakes knowing she brushed it because she wanted to look good for me.

"So, did you sleep well?" I ask before taking a sip of my coffee. "Like a baby," she mutters, her eyes still glued to the paper.

After a moment I ask, "Any interesting news?" and she shakes her head. "Just the usual. Dick-headed politicians, childhood cancer fundraisers, rainy weather," she adds and I sigh, nodding.

She still hadn't lifted her head from the paper and I was beginning to miss those stunning brown eyes. I reach over to steal one of her pieces of bacon, but as I go to touch it she slaps my hand away.

"Hey, you little gremlin! You have plenty on your plate. Why're you stealing from mine?" she exclaims. "I was trying to get your attention," I admit, taking my hand back and walking around the table before settling in her lap.

As I sit, I grab her chin with my fingers and give her a peck on the lips followed by a few kisses into the crook of her neck as I hug her.

After a moment I hear her mumble, "I can't eat this delicious breakfast if you're in my lap". I pull away from her, looking at the breakfast and then back to her.

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