Concert he takes you to!

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Beau: The 1975. You both love their music so Beau surprised you with tickets for your birthday but not just any tickets oh no he went full out and got M&G which entitled you to front row. You and Beau are always singing along to their songs wether it's in the car or the house you'll almost always be singing and dancing along to their album.

James: The Vamps. You have been a massive fan of them since you were 16 and James loves them just as much as you do and not to mention he's friends with them! He bought tickets for your 6 month anniversary as he knew how much you've been wanting to see them. Best boyfriend ever!!

Luke: Foo Fighters. Simply because you both love them and you've been constantly telling him about their tour and saying how much you've been wanting to go as you've never seen them live. Luke surprised you with tickets when you flew back out to see him. That was by far the best welcome back present and the best concert you had been to in a long time!

Daniel: Eminem. What can I say? You both love Eminem and his music. Seeing as he was touring in LA Skip decided to get tickets as a way of apologising for breaking your watch. You were so excited when he told you the news,you were finally going to see Eminem in concert!

Jai: RHCP (Red hot chili peppers). You're both massive fans and have been since you were kids. You've both seen them a few times in concert but Jai got tickets for your birthday as he knew how much you've been wanting to see them again. You both sing along and join the occasional mosh pit created during some of their heavier songs.

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