His phone lockscreen!

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Beau: A photo of you both taken by Luke from your first holiday together with the boys in Spain. Beau's arms are wrapped around your waist with his chin resting on your right shoulder. You both have massive smiles on your faces. He's topless with only a SnapBack and black swimming shorts on, you are wearing a coral fringed bikini with your hair placed to one side with a flower clip in your hair with no make-up on. This is his favourite photo of you both as it shows how in love you both were/still are.

Daniel: A photo of you doing the famous cockatoo face. This was taken when you had flown out to Skip and the boys in LA, the boys and you had gone out for lunch at Taco Bell. You were all laughing and joking about random stuff when Daniel randomly did the cockatoo face so you of course ended up in hysterics. This made the boys and him make you do it, you kept saying no until they'd begged you so much so naturally you gave in and did it anyway. So Skip snapped a cheeky shot.

Luke: A picture of you both hugging taken by Jai when you made a surprise visit in LA. As you're slightly shorter than he is your face is hidden in his chest with his arms protectively wrapped around you whilst yours are around his neck. Luke is holding you up by your legs being wrapped around his waist to support yourself, you are wearing his favourite beanie that he gave you the last time you were together. This is Luke's favourite photo of you both because of how precious that exact moment was. ❤️

James: A mirror picture. James is leaning down slightly as he's a lot taller than you, you're both sharing a passionate kiss. His arms are placed tightly around your waist whilst yours are on top of his. Your hair is in a messy bun and you're wearing black sweats with one of his t-shirts. You think you look awful and say that he could've chosen a better one but James disagrees as he finds it cute.

Jai: A picture taken by James when you were in NY with the boys on one of their days off on tour. Jai is giving you a piggy back. Your arms are gently wrapped around his neck and his are holding your legs to support you, you're both smiling into the camera looking so in love. You're wearing his SnapBack from earlier. You both say this is your favourite as it was taken when you had first started dating.

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