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Beau: He's insecure about how others may perceive him. Beau is one the most caring,loving and genuine people out there but others see him as a bit of a jerk and a try hard. When in reality he is the complete opposite but it upsets him sometimes to know that's how most people look at him. He also doesn't think he's good enough for you, he's scared of losing you. But you reassure him that he is all you need and that'll never change.

Daniel: Countless times you've heard him complain to you about his appearance he perceives himself as the 'unattractive one'. This upsets you both rather a lot but especially you as to you Daniel is perfect in every single way, you love him not just for his looks but also his personality. Daniel tries to hide these feelings away from you but you always know when something's upsetting or worrying him. He would never admit it to you but you know he thinks he's not as good as the others.

Luke: Luke doesn't really seem to by the type to be insecure about anything but then again everyone has their own secret insecurities. Luke's is his height. Granted you're both not the tallest of people there are only a few inches height difference between you both but he hates how short he is and always complains to you about how he wishes he was just a few inches taller but you don't mind as he's just the right height for you. 😉

James: This is something that has always bothered him. His appearance. This upsets you as to you James is perfect, you remind how amazing he is and why you love him. He hated the way he used to look and still struggles now but when you talk to him he realises that none of that matters and what an amazing transformation he's gone through. ❤️

Jai: You don't understand why but he's insecure about his smile. You have always loves his smile it's one the things that drew you to him in the first place, to you it's perfect! Jai tends not to smile in pictures as he finds his smile to be goofy and sloth like which breaks your heart as he has the most amazing smile. You find it adorable when he does smile and you wish he would smile more. You just wish your boyfriend would too.

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