Mixed feelings

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How do you know that he did not forget Seungyoun?"

" Because I know the feeling of losing a person whom we love the most Bunbun. I know the pain of seperation from loved one" Yibo replied.
Zhan looked at Yibo bewildered.

"Yibo, what happened?" Zhan asked.

Yibo turned to face Zhan when suddenly a sandbag near him broke from the ceiling and landed at Yibo's feet almost hitting him. Huisang's voice was heard.

"Ahem... Ahem.... Don't you dare to say anything. If you say, the sandbag which landed near your foot will directly land on your head. Beware Yibo." Huisang's naughty chuckle was heard.

Yibo whose heartbeat which stopped for a moment breathed heavily. Zhan was terrified. He dragged Yibo hurriedly out of the boxing academy. They both decided to stopby a restaurant. Their flight was in a five hours.

They both were having coffee when Chuyue called Zhan. Zhan excused himself and went to talk to Chuyue. Yibo knew that they both would talk for atleast half an hour. So, he decided to walk around a bit to relax himself and he wanted forget about that near death experience.

He was walking around aimlessly thinking about his life. He desperately wanted to tell Zhan that he loves him, stop this marriage etc. But he can't do it and Zhan seemed genuinely happy with Chuyue. He didn't want to hurt Zhan. What if he accidentally maltreats Zhan or unintentionally hurts him. Was he sure of not hurting Zhan even if Zhan accepts him? Can he promise that? His mind of full of confusions. A part of him wanted to propose Zhan, love him and wanted to live with him happily forever but another part of him wanted to let go off Zhan as he is still immatured and will surely hurt Zhan in one or other way. In all ways, Yibo wished for Zhan's happiness.

"Godd!!!!! Please help me out. Why the hell did you even give the ticket to me? I would have lived happily if I hadn't understood Zhan. Maybe we both would have suffered a bit and moved on. But now? I am extremely confused and undersranding Zhan but not being able to live with him. What kind of a torture is this?" Yibo thought.

He was walking until the end of the road and returned back when he saw an old man selling flowers. He was sure that he hadn't seen the shop while walking. The old man was looking at him. Yibo felt drawn towards the old man. That eyes. He had seen them somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where. He involuntarily walked towards the man and started seeing the flowers.

"Hey, young lad, want flowers for your beloved?"

Yibo didn't speak but was silently looking at the flowers. There were many shades of roses, lillies, lotuses, jasmines and so many flowers. The old man spoke again.

"Mmm.....Interesting. Indeed interesting."

"What's interesting?" Yibo asked.

"Seems like you are in a big confusion." The old man said and laughed. Yibo was suprised. His face always remains stoic and expressionless. Everyone who sees him says that. 

"How.. How do you know that?" Yibo asked.

"I know lad,I know. I have seen millions of people like you. People always share their worries with me.I will try to solve them. So What's your problem, love issues?" The old man asked.

Yibo sighed. " I love a person, but I have hurted him to the core. I spat harsh words at him, insulted him and his family, never understood his love for me and so on. But know, I understood him, i mean in the sense, I understood his innocent nature, his love which is as pure as a newborn baby. But, now I am not in a position to explain myself to him nor tell him the truth. Even if I say, people won't believe it. I want him to be happy, very happy all his life. He is happy as of now with his life. But I don't know what to do.   Niether I don't want to lose him nor let him go. What should I do in this kind of crappy situation?" Yibo finished, he himself was surprised, how did he say all his worries to a total stranger? That too fully without any hesitation. He was afraid of Huisang's appearance because he said some of his past to the stranger. But Huisang did not appear.

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