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Zhan saw the time and immediately rushed to their home. But unfortunately, there was a heavy traffic due to some accident. Zhan checked his phone which he left in his car only to see 98 missed calls from Yibo 44 mins ago. He wondered that what happened to Yibo in this 44 mins? Why didn't he try calling him again? Did he think calling him was a waste of time and started doing his own works? Or did something happen?? Zhan started to panic.. He immediately wanted to rush to home. But the road was blocked and to worsen the situation, heavy rain started to pour. Zhan was not able to drive at all. He debated the idea whether he should call Haikuan or Haoxuan to check up on Yibo but he dropped the idea as calling them will create further confusions. So he waited nearly for an hour to go home.

By 4.30 pm, he reached the building. Zhan almost ran to his home and clicked the calling bell. But no one responded. Zhan started to panic. He then hurriedly went down to his car to search for the keys and fortunately found a pair in his
car deck. He ran back to his house and opened the door. He did not find Yibo in the living room. His heart began to beat faster. He then searched in his room, Yibo's room, kitchen, everywhere in the house but he was not able to find Yibo. He searched for his phone and tried calling Yibo. The call went into voicemail. He was not able to hear the ringtone also. He tried calling Yibo repeatedly. Zhan searched in bathroom, balcony everywhere but there was no trace of Yibo. He found Yibo's bike keys in his room. Zhan crouched on the sofa dejectedly.

"Where are you?? Where on the earth did you go? I am sorry. I know I overreacted. Please come back Yibo. "

He was confused whether to call his friends for help. But he did not want to disturb them every single day. So he decided not to call them.

Suddenly the door opened. Zhan looked up immediately. But after the door opened, he got the shock of his life!!!!!!

He saw Yibo standing there with the help of Seungyoun!!!!

Seungyoun was supporting Yibo by putting his hand on Yibo's waist and having Yibo's hand at his shoulder. Seeing the scene, Zhan went purple with anger.

Seungyoun walked inside their home as if nothing happened. Yibo immediately removed himself from Seungyoun's support. He tried to come near Zhan.

"Zhan, actually-" Yibo started but Zhan cut him off.

"Why did he come here? What is the reason for him to step inside my house? Didn't the lawyer say one thing clearly that day? No external people should come to the house or influence us? Then what is the reason for him to show his face here? " Zhan blasted.

"I came here to check on Yibo. It has been long since we have met. So, as his best friend, I came here to visit him casually-" Seungyoun replied.

"Since when? Since when you have became his best friend?? Remember one thing clearly, I may fight with Yibo, not talk to him, hate him but the fact is I am his only one best friend forever. And he knows it too. I will never give that right to anyone or I will not simply stand seeing someone snatch it from me. We may have differences, misunderstandings, fights etc but the bond we share is something you can't even imagine. So, I am saying this clearly now, You *pointing at seungyoun* You mind your own business. Don't try to interfere in our personal issues. If you try to, then I will make sure to break your crooked nose. I know with what intention you befriended Yibo. So, be careful. " Zhan warned Seungyoun in a unusually calm tone.

He then turned to Yibo,
"And you have the audacity to allow him inside this house? Didn't you say you cut off all ties with him? Lying to me again?? I can see your sincerity Mr Wang. I was gone for a few hours and immediately you start seeing him secretly. Woah!!! Aren't you ashamed? Acting in front of me like a changed person and whoring around with him behind my back. Good Yibo, now I can see a great future for you in cinema industry. You are a born actor-"

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