Couple fights

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I forgot to ask, Do you love Seungyoun?" Zhan asked in a serious tone which sent chills to Yibo's spine.

Yibo was shocked. He did not know how to react to Zhan's question. He remembered the fight between him and Zhan due to him meeting Seungyoun. Yibo felt nervous as Zhan's tone was too serious.

Zhan looks at Yibo questioningly. He then looks at Yibo reactions and laughed. 

"Heyy, I was just kidding. Okay tell me now, Are you in love with Seungyoun?" Zhan asked casually.

Yibo felt relieved after seeing Zhan's smile. He looked at him weirdly.

"How did you kn.. Did Hao Xuan tell you?" Yibo asked zhan.

Zhan laughs.

"I know it from childhood itself that you  have an eye on him. Your activities around him, your stupid grins and everything... I sort of knew it feom school itself." Zhan said coolly.

"Pssst. Nothing like that and all. Just now, after having a friendship with him." Yibo tried to sound casual.

"Ohhh. Did you propose to him?" Asked zhan eagerly.

"Bunbun! I even don't know even if he likes me or not. Out of the blue, how can I propose to him suddenly?"
Yibo asked Zhan.

"Call him."  Zhan said simply.

"What? Why?" Yibo was bewildered.

"Call him. Say that your friend's bachelor's party is in this weekend,  ask him whether is he interested in coming with you to that party." Zhan said

"How can he come to your bachelor's bunbun? Will it not be awkward?"
Yibo questioned Zhan.

"Correct. There is no reason he should come to a party hosted by a person unknown to him. But of he agrees to come to the party, only because of the reason you invited him,of course he is interested in you!!" Zhan said laughing.

Yibo turned to Zhan and glanced at him

"Bunbun!!! You have becoming less naive now a days." Yibo said with a sly smile.

"Stop changing the topic and call him immediately."  Zhan barked at Yibo.

Yibo takes out his phone and calls Seungyoun. He did not take the pbone call. It goes to voicemail.

"He didn't take. Seems he is busy." Yibo said dejectedly.

"It's okay. But let him call you again. Okay?" Zhan said driving.


Hai kuan's & Zhou Cheng's house:

In Haikuan's house, Both Haikuan and Zhou cheng were fighting. They were talking about something. Zhou Cheng was cutting vegetables while Hai kuan was working with the laptop. Zhou cheng shouted at Haikuan and went inside the kitchen.

"Why are you talking like this A Cheng? I don't know what I will do if you talk like this once again." Hai kuan was shouting.

"Oohhh! Do you think my parents raised me only to receive beatings and slaps from you? Try touching me, I will divorce you this instant and go." Zhou cheng came out of the kitchen with a knife.

Yibo and Zhan sneakily entered their home to give them a surprise visit. They peeked inside to see what's happening.

"Are you threatening me with the knife?
Who are you to divorce me? I will divorce you now itself. Go get out!!"
Hai kuan equally shouted.

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