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Yibo saw Chuyue kissing Zhan.

He stood frozen. He did not know what to do. His heart ached a lot.

Chuyue cupped Zhan's face and shyly kissed him in the cheeks. Zhan blushed and smiled awkwardly at him. Chuyue then held Zhan's hands and kissed them. Zhan was really touched by this gesture.

"Zhanzhan, bye!!! Take care." Chuyue said while hugging Zhan.

"Bye Chuyue. Take care too." Zhan said while returning the hug.

Yibo wanted to choke Chuyue when he proceeded to hug Zhan. He wanted to break them apart and wanted to slap Chuyue but he did not move a muscle. He curled up his fists.

The mini Yibo who is his self conscious inside him asked him

"Dude!!!!!! Cool down. Anyways Who are you to do this? Are you Zhan's husband? No, you are just his childhood friend. But that man standing there is Zhan's fiance. What rights do you have over Xiao Zhan? Why are you agitated by their hug? You only said you did not want to see Zhan as your life partner. Now you are acting like a jealous husband and boyfriend. You are nothing to him.So Stop overreacting. Chuyue is Zhan's future husband-"

"No don't say that." Yibo said loudly.

"Yes, he is. Yibo stop your stupid antics and your childish behavior. You are the one who rejected him. Now why are you acting so possessive? You love Seungyoun right? Then why are you meddling with Zhan's life? Haven't you destroyed it enough? Now stop staring shamelessly at them and get your ass out of here." Mini Yibo said.

He stood there watching them hug.

Chuyue walked Zhan into his house, while Yibo walked towards his bike like a zombie.

He rode his bike carelessly. His thoughts circled about Zhan amd Chuyue. He felt resentment. He could not accept the fact that Zhan is getting married to another person.

He comes to his home. Carmen lee asked him to eat his dinner. But Yibo refused and went inside his room silently. He then flopped himself on the bed.

He kept replaying Chuyue hugging Zhan and felt helpless

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He kept replaying Chuyue hugging Zhan and felt helpless. He kicked the bed and slept thinking about it and crying.

Next day:

Yibo felt sun rays on his face. He was disturbed by the talking sounds of people in the house. He slowly opens his eyes and rubs them.

"Yibo feels very down uncle. Yesterday also he talked to dad emotionally it seems uncle. He is feeling sad about you being in a silent war with him uncle."
Zhan's voice was heard.

"What can I do dear? Entering in film industry.... I feel that his future will be spoiled Zhan. I am worried about his future son" His father's voice was heard.

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