The lost sister

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Under the sea there lived a mermaid named Ariel. She was never liked by her sisters. When ever they got food it would disappear into Ariel's stomach.
Her father liked her like any father would to there daughter. But he really only treated her that way because,they had the same problems.

Ariel and her father are exactly a like.
Obesity was one of them , blue eye's and green tails. That was really it. Ariel always wanted to see what laid a top of the sea but she could never reach it.
Her small tail plus her fat body
wasn't a great combination

Her size weighed her down back to the bottom of the sea.Ariel's weak tail didn't do much. Mostly it kept her a float.

Our destination is in a cave lit up.
Fancy drapes , nice mirrors, and beautiful shells for her lower chest.
Ariel looked through the pile of shells seeing which ones looked the best.
She couldn't find any until from the corner of her eye she spotted two blue
shells. She held them up with glory in her pillow soft hands. Finally she found one.

Aril heard a rumble come from below.
She looked around her room but there was no food. Ariel sneaked down the hallway and into her sisters room. Her full face peered into the room. In the room there was a fridge, bed, and a couch.

Aril swam slowly around the couch and to the fridge. She slowly opened the fridge in grief . When she looked in there was vegetables, a let over salad,and something in the back.
She rampaged through the fridge and
saw a yellow cream filled dessert. She grabbed the Twinkie and ripped the plastic wrapper off of it. Holding it in her hands she started to sing soft.

Ahhhhahhhhhh, ahhhahhhhhh, ahhhhahhhh. She threw it in to her mouth. Not even thinking about chewing she swallowed it whole.
She licked her lips with satisfaction
and went out of the door. With surprise she stared at her sister that was there waiting for her.

Ariel was so in shock she fell on her.
Her sister disappearing in the folds of her stomach. And before she disappeared she said ,"let me go you fat a....mph mph mmmm, and she was gone . When Ariel got up she thought her sister ran away from her as usual.

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