Just why?........

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After the sad performance Ariels dad handed out the awards. Ariel got the same as last year. She waddled home
and laid on her bed.
"Darling, don't feel down get up and move around," a familiar voice spoke.

"Sabasion what do you want?" "Can't you see I want to stay here on my bed the rest of my life."

"But darling," he said in concern.
"Can't you see?" "Everything's better when it is fatter!"

He cleared his throat and started to sing.

The mermaids are always skinnier in somebody else's lake.
You dream of becoming skinny but that is a big mistake.Just look at the fat around you right here on your flimsy bones. Such wonderful food surrounds
you what more are you searching for?

Under that fat,under that fat
Everything's better when u are fatter
Take it from you!

Out here they work out and try all day.
Out in the sea swimming everyday.

While we be stocking.
Full time and chomping.
Under that fat!

Down here the mermaids are happy.
Bouncing off your chubby rolls.
That one fish ain't that happy.
Because he got swallowed whole!!!

That one ain't that lucky,
Because he'll come out the other hole!!!

Under that fat under that fat
Everything better when you are-

"Ok," Ariel screamed.
I wasn't gonna go on a di-
A die-

Oh you know the word that must not be spoken?

"Oh yeah...,"Sabasion said.

"A diet?"

Ariel flipped her tail once and fell on her side. " Don't freak out! " the crab screamed.
She breathed heavily and asked for water.

"So,......tired,"she panted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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