Oh my....

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She swam through the ocean going as "fat"as she could. Ariel did not want to miss the day where her dad picked the winners. Every year her dad says which one of his family will do great things and which one will suck and stay fat for ever. Yeah, guess who always wins. That's the only thing she really one.
Except that pie eating contest. Down went 200 pies in 30 seconds.

She swam over to the dressing room where her sisters got ready. Ariel wore a white dress that showed all her curves. Well not curves but, lumps.
"Woohoo, I look good,"she said. She put her hands over her "curves" trying to look good in front of the mirror.

"Oh how funny,"said one sister. She thinks that she looks good. All the others laughed. "Well at least I don't look like a stick!"Ariel yelled back. And just saying sticks don't taste good! They taste like.. like.... fat free donuts!

The other sisters laughed away at Ariel.
I'll show them she thought. While the others went out to go get ready on stage
Ariel stood in the room to think of something incredible. Aha!!!!
She found just the right thing.

"Welcome," said her father. All of the kingdom had made a circle around  the
stage and was now getting ready for the acts. "First we'll have Brittany."
The lights dimmed and out came a blond in a clam shell. She sang her best
and all of the mermaids cheered her on. "Next is..... Oh my..... Uh Ariel."

Out came a huge float that went above the crowd. She took a deep breath and took out a Twinkie. She unwrapped it and suddenly started singing. Ahhhhhhhhahhhhhhhh. It was so beautiful.

" Has she gotten skinnier?"her dad whispered to his wife. "She's so high up
I can't see," she replied. Ariel smiled wide, for her plan had worked.

Ariel almost finished until she smelled
something familiar. She looked down at the crowd and spotted something yellow. Right away she dove down toward that person. Her weight sped her up so much she went to him in 3 seconds. Then when she came into to view she swallowed him whole.

Ariel sat there in satisfaction. "You swallowed my husband!"a young lady yelled. "Give him back!"

"I can't,"Ariel told her.
"And why not!" She screamed.
"Because,"Ariel started.

"He's part of myyyyyy wooooooorrrlld,"

The not so little mermaidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora