Chapter 1: Mission?

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Naruto panted as he sped towards the village of Konohagakure. The iconic big red gates loomed over the vast forest the First Hokage sprouted up to protect the village. Naruto could only hope to be as strong as the proclaimed "God of Shinobi".

Naruto arrived at the village gates at dawn. He'd be getting no sleep today.

"Halt! State your name and purpose!"

"Anbu Kitsune, reporting from A-rank mission"

The two chunin stationed at the gate saluted and allowed him to the entrance to the village. Naruto began to leap towards the Hokage tower, needing to report on his mission.

He arrived at the window and knocked waiting for confirmation to enter.

"Enter, Anbu kitsune."

Naruto jumped through the window and began the vocal report of his mission.

The elder nodded, pondering about something.

"Naruto-kun, please take off your mask"

Naruto was puzzled, why had the Hokage asked that for? Nevertheless, he must obey the leader of the village.

The Hokage began speaking,

"As you know, you have been on duty in anbu since you were 10 years of age, beating the known record set by Itachi Uchiha. I think it's time for a change of environment, Naruto-kun."

"Ji-Hokage-sama, what do you mean of this? A change, am I being demoted from anbu?"

Hiruzen shook his head and continued,

"No rather, you will be going on an undercover mission to protect Uchiha Sasuke. He is an on-flight-risk as of current, with the Uchiha incident a few years ago."

Naruto nodded, Hiruzen then continued,

"...with this, you will be undercover as a genin for the time being. By my command, if Uchiha Sasuke attempts to leave, you have my word so eliminate the threat. Though it will be a shame for the last Uchiha bloodline to be gone, it is better than 2 rogue Uchihas, no?"

"I have no opinion on that matter, Hokage-sama"

"Good, you will start this mission next week. It is taking place a week before the official graduation exam. Kakashi, come in!"

A tall silver-haired man came in.

"Greetings Hokage-sama, Kitsune"

Naruto did not like the fact that he would be working with the copycat ninja. He was rather lazy and lax in his work. And did not let go of the past, choosing to wallow in his misery.

"Hello, Hatake-sama"

"Maa maa Kitsune! We've known each other long enough! Just call me Kakashi!"

.....then again, this man was also his previous captain in anbu.

"Hai, Kakashi-san"

Kakashi sighs in defeat, Hiruzen chuckles.

"Now now, we must discuss the matter at hand."

"Kitsune, you will go as your name, Uzumaki Naruto. You may reveal some of your abilities and expertise, but not to cause suspicion, understood? Use your fullest potential until the absolute last moment. You must not jeopardize this mission."

He stated calmly, the authority clear in his voice. Hiruzen eyed the young shinobi, almost waiting for a reaction.

"Hai, Hokage-sama.."

"Naruto-kun, you may leave, it was a rather long A-rank, I think its time for you to rest"

Naruto bowed, and shunshin in a pillar of flames, yet leaving no scorch marks on the floor.




Kakashi chuckled at his kouhai's behavior.

"He hasn't changed, has he? Still as polite and analytical as ever..."

Hiruzen laughed, "yes, he does remind you a lot of Minato-kun"

"So, what do you need to tell me about? Hokage-sama"

"Well, don't inform Naruto off this, but this "mission" isn't a mission."


"I want Naruto to interact with people of his age, and make close bonds that will last. Please do look over him for me? I fear my time is coming to an end."

"Of course, Hokage-sama"




Naruto arrived home rather late. He sighed, he was craving some ramen right now. But Ichiraku isn't open just yet. He'd just settle for cup noodles.

He boiled some water and changed into more comfortable clothing, consisting of a black and orange hoodie, with the Uzumaki swirl in the center, and black shorts. He smelled the delicious taste of instant ramen wafting into his bedroom from the kitchen.


He slurped down the noodles at an abnormal pace, thinking about today's events and what has occurred. The Hokage wanted him to monitor a brat that Itachi left behind, honestly, how is that boy going to survive in the ninja world? With all the death and massacre that happens on almost a daily basis.

Naruto sighed, hoping that the mission he currently has will not be too much of a bother. With that; and finishing his ramen, he began writing the report of the mission. 


I hope you like today's chapter! its a rather short chapter in what's to come! I hope you like the story tho! All my love, Yusa signing out!

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