Chapter 3: The First Half

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Naruto woke up feeling refreshed but got a sudden feeling of being watched. He turns his head to the side, seeing Kakashi staring at him like a scarecrow.


Naruto sighed, 'I really need to get better locks, but then again, he always finds a way in..'. Naruto slowly got out of bed and made his way towards his bathroom.

"so....Kakashi-senpai, why are you here? *yawns*" Naruto asked in a raspy voice.

"Hmm, just waking my cute kouhai up"

That sent shivers up Naruto's spine, "Senpai....what do you want...?" He yawns again, what is it with these yawns?

Kakashi then smiled innocently, too innocent. "I need you to help me with the test today!" 

Naruto stops mid-way towards the bathroom, and slowly turns his head, glaring, "what's in it for me?"

"Well, how about a month's worth of ramen!"

This piqued interest in him, what? Everyone has one thing they indulge themselves in, ramen is just his.

"Senpai, half a year's worth."

"2 months worth"

"5 months"

Kakashi sighed, "5 months, BUT you call me Kakashi for a week"

Naruto pondered, on one hand, ramen, but on the other calling his senpai(whom he respects very very much) Kakashi. He pondered for a while, in the end, Ramen shall reign supreme, Ramen is the food of the gods.


Naruto walks towards his closet, he was about to change but realized that his senpai was still there. "Kakashi...Leave"

Kakashi shrugged and left the room for Naruto to change.

Creep , Naruto stared at the doorway as Kakashi leaves.

Naruto took off his shirt, almost grimacing at his scarred tan body, but he is used to it and more scars shall cover his body. It is the life of a shinobi, the life of a warrior. He chose this path and now he will continue to pursue it. He then changed into a comfortable orange hoodie with simple cargo shorts.

He ran out of the room and dragged Kakashi towards training Ground 7.

When they arrived, they saw no one there. They were confused, it was 5 am, where are the students? Naruto then asked,

"Kakashi, did you tell them the location?"

Kakashi looked away whistling. Naruto sighed and poofed to the academy. He looked around and sensed the 2 genins on the rooftop. He hopped on the roof and woke the near-sleeping students.

"Apologies, it appears your incompetent sensei has forgotten to inform his genin that they need to meet at training grounds 7."

The two genins physically grimaced at radiating anger from Naruto. Naruto then approached them and held on to them.

"Lets just poof to the training grounds"

As they arrived at the training grounds, the two genins looked visibly sick. He sighed and waited for them to recover from it. I honestly shouldn't be wasting chakra before this but, oh well.

"N-NEVER...DO THAT AGAIN!" Sakura hollered, then immediately threw up.

"Hn." Sasuke reluctantly agreed. Though he looked ready to regret it as Sakura squealed at him, having seemingly recover magically.

Kakashi chuckled but stopped when the 2 genins glared at him.

"Sasuke, Sakura, your sensei is usually 2-4hrs late, this is the earliest I ever got him..." Naruto said, his expression unimpressed. 

Sakura looked at him questioningly, "Why do you sound so familiar with him..?"

"I was on the previous genin team" Naruto lied smoothly, "...and I was the only one he passed"

Kakashi ruffled his hair, "This is my precious student, we'll see if you two can become them too."

Naruto fixed his hair and analyzed the genin.

"We shall start with the test, and Naruto shall be assisting me."

The genin looked at him accusingly, "....he bribed me with Ramen." He looked away, almost regretting his decision, keyword, almost.

The two genins deadpanned, questioning the competency of the third member.

"The timer will be set to 10 am, you will be..." he pulls out 1 bell, "...trying to get these bells from me. Naruto may help you on the final hour."

Naruto looked at him weirdly, accusing him. This was not part of the agreement. Kakashi just smiled, " may now...start."

Both Sakura and Sasuke dashed away, hiding well for their current abilities. Kakashi changed his stance, to something more serious. He will pick them off, one by one.

"Naruto, take care of Sakura" He stated.

Naruto nodded and vanished, appearing near Sakura. He snapped a twig, alerting her of him.

"W-who's there.? Is it Sensei or Naruto-san?"

Naruto went through a series of hand-signs. Casting a low-level Genjustu, usually this would be hard for Jinjuuriki, even more for an Uzumaki. But, Kakashi's ruthless training has brought him this far, even if he still has a long way to go to even beat Kakashi.

Sakura, having seen her crush in a state of severe harm, fainted. Her face filled with fear. Naruto sighed, how did someone like this pass the academy, he will need to talk to the Hokage about seizing the right of control over it from the civilian council. The students they produce are not up to standard. They will die on the first C-rank they do.

Naruto leaped back towards the clearing. He'd have to report back to Kakashi about this. When he arrived, he saw Sasuke engaging with Kakashi, the battle being entirely one-sided.

Kakashi sighed, kicking the Uchiha away.

"Is this all the Academy have to offer, utterly disappointing."

Naruto landed near Kakashi.

Kakashi stared, awaiting his reply.

Naruto shook his head. "Genin Sakura is incompetent at everything related to ninja-work. She seemed at first competent at medical work, but considering her display, or rather lack of it....I am not sure she will be able to survive in the shinobi world. Shall she be requested of the team?"

Kakashi shook his head, he then noticed the time, it is nearing the last-hour mark, which also means, Naruto must engage Kakashi.

Naruto sighed, so tedious...He glanced up at Kakashi, who also noticed the time.

"....I should be assisting them soon, I shall see you within the hour, Kakashi."

Naruto made 2 clones, ordering them to go get the other genin, while he distracted.

Kakashi smiled, "We haven't sparred in a while, haven't we Naruto?"

Naruto nodded, unsure of what Kakashi's intentions were. Kakashi sighed,

"Go, aid and help them first, then we shall spar at the last 15 minutes"

Naruto nodded and leaped away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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