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Today is a nice day, in the sky

colourful kites fly.


on the sea, float.

We could do so much.

Your hand I would clutch.

But, you are staying where you are.

So bizarre!

Under the soil, so cold.

So young and yet so old

So, I followed the road home, alone, and strolled.

O, I wish you came.

The circus is in town today.

Let's laugh and play. 

Please show me all animals, every shade.

Please get me ice cream and lemonade.

Get up, we are having fun.

Or, after all, perhaps there's none.

But you are just  staying where you are..

So bizarre!

Eyes closed, cheeks pale.

and the bones are frail.

How can I avail?

For so long, I have waited.

still I am with sorrow freighted

Why do I always cry? Why don't you reply?

Why all the black holes in your arms, in your legs?

Nothing is left, but dregs.

Ouma get up, come back to life.

The heart is into pieces and the soul is in strife.

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