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I've met a lot of charming girls,

on this vast, beautiful earth.

Straight hair or with curls.

It was never enough to sate my dearth.

I just loved kissing them-

and not always on the cheek.

I never cared about a pearl or a gem.

I just whispered my words, and they did not speak.

I just took them in my hands and some faintly said no.

But, I kept necking and they should be happy with it.

Because I just wanted to, how it feels, know.

People say that I'm obsessed with the mating instinct.

They question my love.

They say I'm heartless, senseless and wasting my days.

They think I bait to my cage every dove.

But, the pitiful did not resist my lusting gaze.

I just loved caressing women-

and not always on the mouth.

Ah, the faithful ones who did not listen.

If they just obeyed and allowed.

They could have saved their tears.

People believe they were forced.

They can see it both ways.

At the end, I never lost.

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