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‼️****!!!suicide mention!!!****‼️

I had finally found my peace in my world of fucked up shit. And it was taken away from me.



I hit the button on my phone to turn off the alarm.

Today is the day.

Today is the day I escape.

I stand up and stretch my aching bones. The fight I had last night really fucked me up. I walk over to the mirror and see bruises lined up and down by abdomen and chest. I smirk to myself knowing I still won even if the bastard did get a couple hits on me.

I shake my head and throw some sweat pants on over my boxers. My hands are sweaty and I feel like I'm going to puke from the nerves. I snatch my box of cigarettes off the counter and head for my balcony.

As I light one I stare out at the empty pale sky. The sun hadn't even began to come up, but I like the darkness. I think about how the next couple of hours will be my last. I was nervous before, but I calmed thinking it would all be worth it.

I didn't want to do this shit anymore. I'm not sad. Just tired. Tired of having no one in my corner. Tired of waking up feeling like absolute shit. Tired of everyone thinking I'm a criminal and that's all I'll ever be.

I get frustrated thinking about my past and throw my cigarette off the edge. I walk back into my apartment and put on a hoodie. I slip on my shoes and stand at my door looking at my "home" for the last time. Good riddance. It was a shit heap anyway.

Slamming the door shut, I climb down the old rusty flight of stairs. The cool breeze hits my face once again as I walk down the dirty alleyway to get to and from my apartment. The stray cats I always see  were running around. People were cleaning and getting ready to open their stores. As I watched them, I realized that life will go on even when I'm not here. I lit another cigarette and continued my walk to my end.

There it is. My demise.

The crusty 8 story building that I will end my life at. The sun was shining from behind it making the glass sparkle. I took one last puff of my cig and made my way into the building. I took the stairs breathing heavy once I got to the 5th flight. I reached the old door that lead to the roof and was not planning on backing down now. I opened the door to be blinded by the sun and making the birds fly away. I walk to the ledge thinking about everything I've done wrong in my life. From the drugs to the prison sentence. From my ruining my potential in high school to my parent's death. This was it. This was what my life had come to. Standing at the edge of a very tall building about to jump off.

I lit one last cig for old time sake and take a nice long drag. I'm ready.

Right as I was about to step off, the roof door opened to reveal a girl who looks to be in about high school staring right at me. Her face remained indifferent as she took in the situation. She gave me one last look before turning back around to leave.

"Aren't you gonna tell me not to do it?" I called after her making her stop in place, "Aren't you gonna tell me I have so much to live for."

She turned around looking at me with brown eyes. I tried to read them wanting to know what she was thinking, but I couldn't get anything from them. They looked dead. As if someone replaced her eyes with a dead persons. She didn't bother to reply and shut the door in my face.

I sighed turning back around to overlook the shit city I live in. I came up here with the full intent to jump, but I couldn't do it. That girl would not leave my mind. The souless look in her eyes was the only thing I could think of. Why was she coming up here in the first place? This is an office building, not like she worked here. I jumped off the ledge and began to chase after her.

I ran down the stairs at full speed finding her walking down the street.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I yell after her making her jump, "We're you just gonna let me kill myself?" She turned around looking at me with that same heartless expression. I ran to her side staring down at her.

"That's kind of shitty," I chuckled with heavy breathe. Her face scrunched up I'm guessing from my cigarette breath.

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