*The Theif*

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"So this is the cunt who stole from me," I sneer looking at the girl laying on the floor in front of me. She looked like she was barely alive. Her hair was matted and she was covered in her own blood from the beating my boys gave her.

I bend down to her level and grip her face making her cheeks puff up, "How did a small pathetic thing like you cause so much trouble?"

The girl could barely keep her eyes open as she looked 
at me, "where's my fucking money," I snarled gripping her face harder making her squeal out in pain.

As she stayed quiet I felt myself grow angry. I throw her back and snap my fingers making the boys go ham once more. The girl simply watched me as she was literally getting the shit kicked out of her. Not once have I ever felt remorse for someone that wronged me, but as this girl stared at me I felt my throat go dry. I raised my hand signaling the boys to stop and they back away from the barely breathing girl.

I grew tired of looking at her mangled body so I stand up and make my leave.

"What do you want us to do with her boss," one of the twins asked.

"Take her to a room."


It has been 3 days since I first laid eyes on my little thief. She was currently still unconscious from recent activities. Occasionally at night I would go into her room to "make sure she wasn't attempting to escape" but that's just what I told myself to feel better.

I once again found myself walking to her room instead of mine. Usually I'd find her laying in the bed as if she was dead, but tonight she was sitting up looking out the window. Her wounds hadn't even begun to heal and she had black and blue all over her. Her brown skin shown beautifully against the moon light and I found myself to be holding my breath when we made eye contact.

She sat with the blankets bunched up around her and held that same dead stare she had when we first met.

"What is your name," I questioned with a stern look on my face. Her lips made no effort to move as she continued to stare at me.

"Do you not know how to talk," (‼️home girl is mute....... So no‼️) I felt myself grow angrier, "fucking answer me when I speak to you."

The girl flinched at my outburst but still made no moves to answer me. I sighed leaning against the wall.

"How you do you plan to pay me back?" I growled rubbing the bridge of my nose in stress.

She looks around for a moment before taking a deep shaky breathe. Without looking at me she began to take off the oversized tee shirt that she'd been wearing for the past couple of days.

I chuckled in amusement at that this is what she thought I meant. She now sat with the shirt in her and watched me silently.

I slowly stalk towards her and chuckle hearing her breathing increase. As if she's afraid when she's the one who offered. I stand in front of the girl and reach over her body to grab the shirt. I throw the clothing in her face and leave the room.

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