What you Eat is What you are

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As per our chef's view, a Cow eats grass so, it's called a herbivorous animal. Where as a Tiger eats other animals so, it's called a Cornivorous animal.
Even Mohan agrees to this point that the attitude comes to any animal by the food it gulps!
Many of Mr. Mohan's customers, especially the late night customers are not in normal stage, some of them are drunk and their demands raise from tinzy orange flavour to fiery bhut jolokia flavour. Some times, Raj Mohan fells deep into thoughts while preparing these dishes like: "what the hell, I'm doing here in Bajarangi's.., why I ruined my life by not contesting in Loaksabha elections, I missed a chance to become a P.M., I should show sympathy to the world, it missed me, a dedicated, compassionate, patriotic person." Raj Mohan never thought to try his hands on the Beverages and Liquids, infact he is afraid  of the trans effect they show on the takers. He want a good reputation for Bajarangi's from his customers, so he never welcomed the Liquors and showed objection for the proposals, he advocated the health concerns of the kith & kin of their respective hotel.
In fact Raj wants his son Bob too should follow this tradition of caring for the sake of progress, prosperity and well-being of the beloved customers. But Mohan wants not just to teach or preach the health concerns of the customers but he wants to inculcate the good habits in them.

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