One Last Time

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Years have passed and all of Nicole kids are grown and almost out of the house except for Nathaniel and Carter of course ! John is so happy at what his life has become he wanted to show Nicole how much he loved her so he organized a little surprise ! A scavenger hunt all around Arizona !

Nicole woke up in her old town house the one Mason had grown up in for 5 years ! Her and John had gotten away for the week to be alone on their 35th wedding anniversary ! As she turned she noticed that John was no where in sight !

Nikki: John !

She yelled out but no one responded ! She then noticed a note ! She opened it and it read !

For 35 years you have made me the happiest man alive I hope I've made you as happy as you've made me ! ❤️ go down to the spa and they will be taking care of you all day ! Love you babe see you tonight !

Nicole smiled and got dressed she then headed out when she got to the spa they immediately took her in and started pampering her from head to toe ! She went home John still wasn't back she then saw another little note that read

Get ready there should be a limo outside of the house in an hour or so ! Love you and dress formal !

She went up stair and got ready and like clock work the limo was outside waiting for her ! Nicole was so happy when she saw that the driver had stopped at the restaurant where she and John had their first date !

When she went in it was like the first time again ! Even the old waitress was there she didn't know how he did it but she didn't care !

Nikki: John this is amazing how did you do all this ?
John: A lot of tracking down and a lot of money but it's not big deal it's all worth it seeing that beautiful smile of yours

Nikki smiled and she kissed him !! They spent the rest of the night enjoying the night together !


This book is dedicated to


Love your books and I hope you all update soon ! 💋😍❤️

Anyways check out the new book

Win Your Heart ❤️

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