Living Hell ❤️

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Nicole has been very sad lately not only was Mason not coming home for her birthday but John hadn't been showing her any love or affection ! She stopped and looked in the mirror and thought is it me ? She was only turning 35 years old ! She wasn't that old ! She also felt disgusting to him because he wouldn't touch her he only kisses her and even that's a quick peck ! Before he would kiss her and they would engaged in these fill out make out sessions for no reason and now it's like she has to stand in front of him to get him to kiss her she began to worry so she talked to Brie and Layla !

Nikki: Hey can I talk to you guys about something ?
Layla: Sure what's up ?
Nikki: Well lately John and I haven't been intimate and well I'm worried because it's never been that way you know what I mean ?
Brie: Of course we do ! And that is weird you and John are usually all over each other more him than you !
Nikki: I fear that he doesn't see me the same !
Layla: Well I would think he would see you different !
Nikki: What do you mean ?
Brie: After so many years I'm sure he's sees you different don't you ?
Nikki: Is it sad that I say no ?
Brie: What ?
Layla: What are you talking about ?
Nikki: I still see the John I fell in love with when I was 15 ! I see the boy who grew up to be a man ! My man ! I see John the way he used to kiss me and take care of me is it weird to say that to me he hasn't changed ?
Layla: I guess not !

She said as she wiped away Nikki's tears !

Brie: Come on Lay lets go get some tissues and some chocolate !

Layla nodded and they left the room what they didn't notice was that Eva was listening she knew her plan was working once they left she approached her !

Eva: Poor ! Poor Nikki !
Nikki: What the fuck do you want !
Eva: Can't you see that your man wants me now that's why he doesn't want to touch you ! Or hold you like before because he sees me but can you blame him ? I mean look at me and look at you !

She said flaunting her body !

Melody was walking by and saw how she was talking to Nicole !

Eva: You're not what you use to be ! One of these days he's going to leave you and your bratty kids ! You said four I only see three !
Nikki: Ma....
Eva: I don't care just look at yourself he doesn't want you anymore because you dress like that !

She said pouting at her ! And Nicole felt like she was right Nicole had stopped dressing sexy for John after having Nate she wouldn't wear what she normally wear she didn't do her make up regularly she didn't get her hair done often the only time she looked absolutely flawless was when they went out to events other than she never tried !

Nikki: I told you to stay away !
Eva: I did he's the one coming to me !

Nikki was still crying she didn't have the energy or the will to fight back !

Eva: I feel sorry for you ! You're not what he wants anymore it's me and I'll have my fun with him !

At this point Melody had enough she snuck her way in and punched Eva !

Melody: Leave my mom alone and don't talk to her that way you stupid warned out used tampon ! Don't even mess with my family ! Because then I will hurt you more !
Eva: Please your a child !
Melody: A child who knows how to wrestle better than your stupid ass ! Why do you think I just asked Stephanie to make someone else my partner ! Cause you suck bitch ! Trust me if my dad leaves my mom I will make your life a living hell...........


17 again and I'll update again I'm in a good mood so take advantage lol ! Also doing random writing so be expecting that on your wall if you like this chapter !

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