In The Past ❤️

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When Nicole came home John was still there she found him with Melody and Mason just talking and laughing the way things were before and they way things should have been he showed Nicole where he had put the crib in case she needed it anytime soon indicating that something serious was going on between her and Dean although Nikki didn't say there wasn't anything going on with j or with anyone she made it clear that, that crib was only meant for Cena babies ! If she were to get pregnant again she would buy a new one because that one had to many special memories she wasn't willing to share with another blood line making John happy and jealous at the same time he didn't know she would be willing to have more kids when she got with someone else but he knew there might be a someone else and he couldn't help but feel jealous he didn't know why though ! After all that they had dinner as a family but as soon as that was over he went back to Eva ! Carol went home making both John and Nicole promise they would be home for Matts birthday !

It was the day of his birthday and John had arrived with Eva his family were getting to know her !

Steve: So you're how old ?
Eva: 25 !
Matt: You wrestle ?
Darlando: Not from what I can tell !
Coverly: John where's Nicole ?
John: Uhh she should be here soon !
Eva: Why ?
Steve: We like and miss her !

Eva rolled her eyes and looked down everyone could feel the tension then the door rang Carol opened it and in came Nicole and all of her kids

Coverly: Oh thank god Nicole !
Nikki: Omg Cove how are you ?
Coverly: I've just missed you and the kids !
Nikki: I've missed you too where's Noelle !
Noelle: Here !
Nikki: Oh there my big girl ! Aww your so big !
Noelle: That's good right !
Nikki: Of course sweetie !

The night went on and Nicole was growing hungry but Carol said they couldn't eat until one last person arrived !

Everyone was growing impatient when finally he arrived Nicole was talking to Steve and Darlando when someone tapped her shoulder !

She turned around and was shocked but this time pleased !

Nikki: Omg David !
David: Nicole oh it's been years

He said in his British accent !

Nikki: Yes it has been omg !

She hugged him and he hugged her back tighter !

Carol: Now that he's arrived we can eat !

After eating Nicole and David start talking more !

David: How have you been darling !
Nikki: I've been good ! You know my kids and my career !
David: How many kids now I only remember Mason !
Nikki: Oh 4 now actually ! Yeah it's Mason, Melody, Blake and Nathaniel !
David: How old ?
Nikki: Mason twenty soon 21 ! My twins Melody and Blake 15 and my smallest one is 2 !
David: Wow that's incredible !
Nikki: You any kids wife ?
David: 4 as well 3 boys and a girl !
Nikki: Amazing ! And your wife ?
David: I actually recently divorced ! After like 10 years !
Nikki: Me too after 20 years !
David: No way you and John ? After 20 years ? How did that happen ?
Nikki: Did you not see his little how you say trollop !
David: Eww the red head ?
Nikki: Yup !
David: Is John blind ?
Nikki: Why ?
David: He has the most beautiful girl in the world a girl we fought over I may add and he chose to leave you for that ?
Nikki: You're so sweet !

He grabbed her hand and kissed it then placed it on her cheek and they just started into each other's eyes !

John: Who's Nicole with !
Carol: Oh him you know David !
John: David Beckham ?
Carol: Yes I just happen to run into him at the store I told him Nicole would be here and he just begged me to come and I figured why not Nicole had a thing for him and he sure did have a thing for her and since you two are divorced and so is David I thought why not !
John: Oh..
Carol: Yeah is there a problem ?
John: No none !

Carol smiled and walked away

Mason: That's David Melody he's a guy dad fought over constantly for mom he helped her get back in shape after she had me ! His dad owns this huge chain of gyms but grandma told me he started his own so when his dad died he became like 10 times richer !
Melody: Wow !
Mason: I know !
Blake: So is this going to help mom and dad get back together !
Mason: I sure hope so !

They all walk over with John and then Nicole walks over with David !

Nikki: David I'd like you to meet my kids well your remember Mason !
David: The last time I saw him you were about 4 years old ?
Nikki: Yeah ! This is my one and only daughter Melody !
David: You're as gorgeous as your mother !
Nikki&Mel: Awww !
David: It's true you look just like her when she was 15 just without the belly !
Nikki: Hey ! I was pregnant not fat !
David: I know but you were still beautiful !

Nikki smiled them Blake knocked some sense into her !

Nikki: Oh and this is my son Blake 15 !
David: You look like your father !
Blake: I guess it's a compliment so thanks !
Nikki: Blake just please !
Blake: I know I'm sorry mom !
Nikki: And this little angel he's Nathaniel my baby !
David: Hi there !
Nathaniel: Dede thinks your pretty man !

Nate said that and Melody turned red !

Melody: Nathaniel !
David: Don't be embarrassed your gorgeous I can't compare to the beauty of you and your mother !
Nikki: Oh stop !

He was about to hold her hand when his phone went off !

David: I must take this I'll be right back !

Nikki nodded and he left !

Melody: Mommy if you don't marry him can I ?
Nikki: He's gorgeous huh ?
Melody: Oh yes he is !
Nikki: So you wouldn't mind seeing him every once in a while ?
Melody: Not at all !
Nikki: Good he's coming to Florida next month for Raw and next week to San Diego to take me to dinner !

She smiled and walked towards him when she saw him walk in again !

Blake: Mommy looks in love !
Mason: She sure does !

The night went on and every time Nicole laughed Johns anger grew being that she was with David he didn't know why but he was angry and jealous seeing him with her !

David: I wish you wouldn't have married him !
Nikki: David not this again !
David: You should have run away with me when I asked you too ! Two days before your wedding !
John: You what..................

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