The Beginning of Everything

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Not many people in the entire universe don't even know where these people came from or why do they even exist for that matter. But these people were known to be quite special with abilities that were beyond the rest of the universe's imagination. While that was an incredible strength to have against the universe, it was also an incredible weakness to have as well.


Well, the answer was simple really. 

We were also enemies to each other. 

This is Lumiria, a planet that was known to be the greatest safe haven known to the universe

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This is Lumiria, a planet that was known to be the greatest safe haven known to the universe. Some people called it as "Earth 2.0", but others like to call it their "Home away from home". Lumiria gave others not just a chance to a new beginning. But more rather like a small spark of hope that can be ignited within their own hearts. 

That's why it was given the title 

"The Planet of Light."

But it wasn't just people moving from one place to another, there were generations of so many others that had been born from Lumiria, which some people were considered to be special as well. Legends say that those born on the planet of Lumiria have inherited special powers based on either their interests or on their personality. Which is true for so many others, including the protagonist of the story himself. 

But let's not go there just yet. 

While this planet was given such amazing qualities to consider living there. It sadly doesn't exist was caused by one tragic event, which was named....

"The Destruction of Lumiria"

While it was considered to be a very sad demise for the fall of the planet and for the people that had died there as well. It was no accident, it was on purpose. Known as just a myth, a woman named Pandora had rise, born with the powers of darkness. The sole reason of why Lumiria had fallen. She decided to destroy this planet as it was nothing more than just something that was getting in her way. People had read about her in stories as the "Mistress of Darkness". But many people believed that she never existed, which was their fatal mistake. Pandora destroyed not only the planet, but she sent monsters and henchmen to go and kill innocent lives, about nearly sixty percent of Lumirians had perished under her reign of chaos and destruction. More lives would've been taken if it weren't for those that tried to stand up and fight against her unholy reign. Those fighters were called Huntsmen and Huntresses, everyone has many of them scattered all over the universe. These titles were mainly given to those who were the best of the best. Whether it was fighting against the forces of evil or helping to those who are unable to protect themselves. Even though that these titles were used in many parts of history in the entire universe, those titles had never once lose its purpose. Though Pandora's goal had been completed, she wanted to destroy the main source of power left when all hope was lost. It was called the "Maiden's Heart(s)" . 

The Maiden's Heart(s) was known to be a power that any Lumirian can possess

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The Maiden's Heart(s) was known to be a power that any Lumirian can possess. There was only five of them, each given to one person that can tap into its miraculous power. These were named based on the five people that were first trusted with them. Soleil's Strength (Sun), Phoebe's Wisdom (Crescent), Lyra's Faith (Star), Morgan's Valor (Teardrop), and finally, Aurora's Heart (Heart). Each stone was represented on the way Lumiria was known for, especially for it's most powerful one, Aurora's Heart. It represented on how so much love was spread through the people of Lumiria. But as time passed, the Maiden's Heart(s) was scattered and it was known that only one person was left to try and use all five stones of their powers to save Lumiria. But it never happened though, because that person had disappeared and sent all five stones away scattered across the universe. 

Now, with Lumiria gone. Only the remaining forty percent of the people left alive are actively searching for a new home to live. 

Meanwhile, with Pandora's plan to destroy Lumiria a complete success, she craved more chaos and destruction. So she decided on one thing, to take over the rest of the universe, believing that there was no one that could stand in her way. But that's the part were she made an error of the next phase of her evil plan. Because there was someone else who was willing to stop her from taking over the universe, and that someone however, was the protagonist of this story. 

His name was Cyrus Sakurai, better known as....

"The Silver Ventrexian"

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