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Kaitlyn opened her eyes slowly when she felt the soft caresses on her  naked shoulder, his manly hands touching the delicate skin of her body.

She felt her body get hot all over again, a pulsating sensation on her heated center started forming from his touch. It all felt like a dream to Kaitlyn, their encounter, his kisses, his touching, his lips all over her body,  his presence alone was all like a dream.

Kaytlin couldn't stop herself form letting out a soft moan when his hands went around her breast, squeezing lightly the soft delicate flesh there.

"Alredy awake princess?" Jungkook looked at her sleepy form.

"We have to get back, we have been away for too long." He continued when her pretty eyes refused to open, she was exhausted, he knew that but they had to get back or the others will start to doubt what happened to princess .

"Not yet." Kaytlin stirred lazily, streching her  naked body fully in  front of him, not beung aware that he had a wide view of her rounded breasts, the duved covered only her legs.

He got on top of her and kissed her pouty lips, while his hands toyed with the hardened tips of her breasts. Kaitlyn finally was fully awake and enjoying the things her general was making her feel.

"Come on now, let's get you dressed up princess." He said getting on his feet and helping her too.

While he was arranging her dress, suddenly Kaitlyn broke the silence.

"What was wrong with you earlier? Why were you acting so coldly? "

"The first of all this dress that you are wearing drives me mad, crazy with desire and jealousy." He said dragging her body to his, circling his hands around her back.

"Jealousy?" Kaitlyn asked surprised, he was too good at hiding his emotions that she had not ever noticed that he was jealous or anything else. Until now, all she had heard from his  mouth was how much he wanted her, he had not even conffesd his feelings to her.

She also wanted him with the same desire and force that he wanted her and for Kaitlyn that was enough, even of he did not love her. Ay least she had his body and  knew that he was physically attracted to her.

"You look stuning on this dress princess, I wasn't able to resist you tonight and believe me that I had a hard way stopping eralier, when I had you all naked  and squirming underneath my body." Two red dits formed at her high cheekbones, her icy blue eyes not had gotten a warmy greenish nuance.

"Just the thought  that other man could have the same thoughts as I have for your body, drives me mad with jealousy." Jungkook tightened the hold on her body and smashed his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily and possesively, like he wanted to prove that he was the only one in her life.

"You know that there is no other man beside you." Kaitlyn said looking at his eyes.

Jungkook wanted to much to tell her what had been worrying  him during all the evening, he wanted to much to tell her that her brother had decided to accept the proposal of King Mark, to marry Kaitlyn, but he did not want her to worry and get sad. That's why he had decided to make her happy  as long as he had the chance to be near her.

He lowered his head and joined their lips together in a slow and passionate kiss. The noises outside their door  made them both freeze, Jungkook recognized Taehyung's voice and another familiar women's voice.

"Why you have to accept the marriage? You are the king of Dominion, you can do whatever you want." Sophie's angry tone was heard outside the door.

Jungkook prayed that they do not enter the room or else he will be dead, Taehyung will never forgive him for going behind his back and seducing the princess.

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