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Hidden behind the big bush,the little princess observed the warriors who where preparing for the upcoming battle. She was fascinated by their skills and their ability to use the swords.

Her rounded blue eyes were glued especially to one warrior in particular. He was the best according to her. Jungkook fought like no one else, he moved fast and attacked strongly. Kaitlyn didn't know when exactly started to feel the butterflies on her stomach, but whenever she saw him, even from afar, she felt things that were hard to explain, but made her pass sleepless nights thinking about him. Her hopes and dreams were impossible and she knew that, she was younger than him, she was twelve and he eighteen, but that wasn't the biggest obstacle. What really made it impossible for Kaitlyn and Jungkook to be together was that she was the future queen and he was just a warrior.

"A queen will marry a king"-her mother repeated to her every time she caught Kaitlyn glancing in the direction of the young warriors training in the big garden of the castel.

She didn't know for how many hours she had been behind the bush, looking at the warriors, especially Jungkook. The sun was setting slowly and the dark veil lowered the place. It was time that the fighters would go back to the castle, to get ready for the battle that awaited for them. Kaitlyn had followed them to this large field in the middle of the forest. She started going back to the castle, following the same path she used to come here but the darkness made her mistake the road. Alone, in the middle of the forest with wild animals all around, Kaitlyn started crying silently, afraid to make a noise that would awake any animal.

"The princess is missing."-one of the warriors shouted, entering the dining hall where Jungkook and all the other young fighters who would go to war tomorrow, were waiting. He felt his body freeze, he couldn't bring himself to imagine what could have happened to the young Kaitlyn. She was so little and unprotected. He grabbed the sword and run to the door.

Jungkook run to the woods, there she should be, often he had seen her hide here and there, she always liked to hide behind the trees and bushes. He would search for her all night and all day tomorrow if it was necessary, he won't go to the much wanted war, if the princess wouldn't be found.
He had been searching for many hours but still no sign from Kaitlyn. Walking slowly into the silent forest, Jungkook stopped when he heard some muffled cries coming from his left.

"Princess, is that you?"- he shouted. His voice aching in the silent night.

"Jungkook."- Kaitlyn half yelled with shattering teeth's from the cold. Her body was frozen on the spot, her face had paled and her pinkish lips had turned dark purple. Her blue short sleeved dress, barley protected her from the cold.

Jungkook run immediately to the weak voice of the princess and hurriedly he covered her cold body with his fur cope that he had on. Kaitlyn hugged his torso tightly and shaking from the cold and the scare she had gotten, she started crying hard with her head digging into his wide chest.

"I'm scared."- she whispered into his hot radiating body.

"I'm here. Don't be scared,I will protect you."- Jungkook whispered and couldn't stop his lips that kissed the top of her head. He knew he shouldn't be doing this but he wanted to make Kaitlyn feel safe and protected.

"Promise?"- she asked raising her teary eyes to his dark brown ones. The light coming from the fire burning on the lamp he had, illuminated his strong features.

"I promise that I will always protect you. From everything and everyone."- Jungkook said looking to her sweet and innocent face, the need to kiss her mid opened lips started growing inside him but the voices coming from near them, made him come back to his senses. Helping Kaitlyn on the horse, he headed to the castle. Jungkook felt bad for having wild thoughts about a little girl, way much younger than him, but he couldn't stop himself from noticing how beautiful she got from day to day.
Kaitlyn on the other side was flying with happiness. Jungkook had hugged her, she had touched his hot, hard body and that was all she had been dreaming the past nights, coming to life. He promised to protect her and she knew that he would keep his word, he was a honored fighter. To keep his promise he won't go to war, he will always stay by her side, protecting her, keeping her safe.

The angry face of her mother waiting for her to the big iron door of the castle, made Kaitlyn shiver. At last she had Jungkook near her and she felt more safe having him by her side. He helped her down the horse and holding her little delicate hand, he accompanied her to where the Queen was waiting with anger written all over her face. Forcibly the Queen grabbed the other hand of the princess, making their joined hands to separate. Kaitlyn's mother dragged her inside and when she sensed Jungkook behind her, ready to go in, she turned around.

"You're just a fighter, you did your job good and that's all. Your duty ends here."- she said coldly and slammed the door shut after her, two guards blocking its entrance, which meant that Jungkook had to leave. With the queen's words replaying on his head Jungkook left to his simple house. He swore that he would fight hard and become someone important, not just a mere warrior. He would fight to prove to everyone that he wasn't just a fighter, he would become the biggest general of the kingdom, the one that would rule everyone. He my not be born royal but he would be near Kaitlyn. Even though, he would never have her, he would be more worthy in her eyes.


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