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"I...I am sorry your majesty." Jungkook lowered his head and distanced himself from her.

"What were you trying to do? Were you trying yo touch me while I wasn't conscious?" Kaitlyn raised her voice angrily at him, her bluish eyes piercing into his skin.

"I wasn't trying to..." Jungkook started but she stopped him.

"Are you denying it? Are you denying that you general wanted to take advantage of me?" Her voice got louder this time.

Jungkook could take everything that came from her, he could tolerate her cold words, her cold eyes but he never would never tolerate anyone accusing him of such a low thing. Jungkook would never take advantage of a women, he wasn't like that.

His pride was wounded by her mean words. Even though she was the princess and he was just a mere general, he won't let her step over him, not this time. He loved her more than anything but she accused of something that he would never do.

"Your majesty, If you would know me some how you would know that I would never take advantage of any women." Jungkook said with his harsh voice that Kaytlin had never heard, it sent shivers down her spine.

His big boody towering over her, his face near hers, their lips almost touching, made her heart beat furiously into her chest.

"Be careful with your words princess." Jungkook whispered over her face.

"This little mouth of yours can make a man go wild." He said touching her lips with his harsh thumb.

Kaytlin was frozen on her spot, she wasn't able to move, push him off her or even pull himt towards her, the little distance between theri lips was killing her.

She had to act like she didn't like the idea of being touched by Jungkook, she had to be harsh with him because Kaitlyn didn't want to create false hopes, didn't want to lie herself that her love for him could really happen.

Jungkook couldn't resist her pink lips and kissed her mouth. At first Kaytlin, didn't know how to respond to the kiss, it was her first time being touched and being kissed by a man. Jungkook continued kissing her lips slowly and tenderly, until she joined him fully, moving their lips in sync.

Jungkook was too lost in the kiss, he wanted more. He slowly, moved his lips to her neck, kissing and sucking her soft spot, making Kaitlyn moan sweetly.

"Jungkook." A voice that was very familiar called him.

"Jungkook are you there?" Taehyung called again and opened the door seeing that he wasn't answering.

Taehyung opened the door and saw Jungkook on the bed, on top of a women, which he couldn't make it to see who she was. He closed the door and left smiling at the thought of his friend finally getting laid. This would definitely would improve the general's mood.

Jungkook left Kaitlyn's lips as soon as he heard the door close. He hoped Taehyung hadn't seen that it was his sister the women on Jungkook's bed.

He got up on his feet and paced through the room. Jungkook was so disappointed of himself, he had done the unthinkable, he kissed the princess. He flet like a cheater, he had betryed his friend's trust.

"Please leave your majesty." Jungkook said avoiding her eyes.

Kaitlyn who was lost into the feelings he made her experience, came back to earth by his cold voice. She thought that thinks between them may change after the kiss and the way he touched her.

She flet like cold water was splashed all over her. She got up and went near him, facing his sad face.

"In my own castle, I will stay wherever I want, General. You won't tell me when to leave." Kaitlyn said to him with her low voice. She was trying too hard to hold her tears, she didn't want Jungkook to see her cry.

"In my room, I rule." Jungkook spoke against her for the first time.

Kaitlyn slapped him hard, making his head move sideways.

"The fact that you touched me and lured me into your bed, doesn't gives you the right to speak to me like that."

"You will pay for this General Jungkook." She said leaving his room in a second, leaving behind a heartbroken Jungkook.

Kaytlin run to her room and only there she let her tears fall. It hurt very much that he let her taste what it meant to be on his arms and then throwed her away like a garbage. He got what he wanted, he took her first kiss and was the first man to touch her. He leaved traces that no other man will be able to erase.

What hurt her most was, that she for a moment thought that he would confess that he had feelings for her too.

How stupid she was to trust him. If he had continued further she wouldn't have been able to say no, and would have given herself to him.

Jungkook joined the royal family into the breakfast table. He couldn't glance in Taehyung's direction who had a smirk playing in his face all the time.

He took his seat next to his mother, who was engaged into a conversation with the queen, and noticed the empty spot in front of him, Kaitlyn hadn't come yet.

Everything around him seemed like a blur, his mind replayed the magical moment of the princess on his bed. It all seemed like a dream to him.

"Where is Kaitlyn, mother?" Taehyung's deep voice roared into the dining hall making everyone stop and hear what was the reason that the princess was absent.

"She won't be able to join us this morning, she was feeling unwell." The queen explained calmly.

Jungkook was worried about Kaitlyn. What happened to her? He needed to know she was alright. He needed to see her.

"What's wrong with you?" Taehyung asked his friend who was staring blankly at the untouched food on his plate.

Jugkook noticed him standing on his feet, by the chair. Only the two of them were left into the giant dining hall.

"You have been staring to the food for too long." He added.

"I feel a bit down today." Jungkook answered.

"Down? I thought you would be very happy after what happened this morning." Taehyung winked at him.

"Do you know?" Jungkook said suprised by his words.

If he knew about Kaitlyn being in his room than why isn't he mad?

"I passsed by your room this morning." Jungkook was wonder stricken by his statement.

Did he hear or saw anything ?

"Seeing you like this, it means that that woman hadn't been able to please you enough general." He laughed at the shocked face of Jungkook.

"I have an important meeting today, I will have to leave you my friend." Taehyung said palcing a hand on his shoulder.

"Would you want me to accompany you?" Jungkook aksed, hopefully he would find a shot escape from this castle that was suffocating him.

"I need you to do me a favor, please stay here and take care of my sister. She isn't feeling well and I am always there to comfort her, I am always by her side when she needs me, but today I have to go." He said sadly.

"Please Jungkook, take care of my sister. I am trusting you my most precious thing."

How could he take care of her when she disliked his presence ? How cold he comfort her when she hated him? How could he protect his sister when shs wasn't safe from Jungkook himslef?

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