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*10 Years After*

The familiar view faced Jungkook. He had missed the big stoned castle and the small house around it. He had missed everything about his place,his own home. For ten years he had been far from home,he had fought with the enemy and countless times he risked his life into the battlefield. Jungkook was fearless,he had been the best warrior of the kingdom. Now, he returned at his country,not as a simple fighter but the general, he owned the highest title he could get. After the king,he was the next in command.

He couldn't wait to enter the big castle he had grown in,his father had been the right hand of the late king and now Jungkook was the right hand of the new king, Kim Taehyung. They both grow up together, trained and fought together in the war, but since three years ago when the king got killed during a harsh battle, he had to return home and take up the role as the king.

Jungkook rushed to the big hall of the castle,he was running to meet his friend, Taehyung. They were inseparable but unfortunately they had to,when he got his title as a king. Jungkook hoped that he wouldn't have changed, he hoped that he will treat him as his friend, not as the general under the king's power.

Jungkook was walking into the dark hall, taking his time to send a look to everything decorating it. His eyes stopped at a big picture inside a golden frame,
the women was beautiful, her blue eyes had the power to penetrate into your soul, her curly dark honeyed hair lying over her naked shoulders,her bare neck had a thick necklace with diamonds,her blue dress matching her eyes,made her look like a goddess. She was the prettiest women Jungkook had seen. Turning around he crashed with something, someone to be precise. He froze on his place,the women on the picture was standing right in front of him. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

"Apologies."-said the women,looking at him coldly. She had her hair tied in a low bun this time and a small crown was placed over her head.

'She can't be' - Jungkook thought. She can't be the princess, he would have recognized her.But still,only she could give orders to him, no one else but the royal family.

"I'm sorry princess."- he said bowing slightly to her.

Kaitlyn was surprised hearing that deep voice,it seemed familiar but she wouldn't remember where she heard it. Only when her eyes came into contact with a pair of dark brown ones, she recognized the owner of the voice. Jungkook looked more manly now, he was a fully grown man,not the young boy she had last seen ten years ago. Jungkook smiled sweetly at her and as soon as he was ready to say something to her, Kaitlyn left after sending him a cold look.

'He won't lie to me again with his sweet acts.'-she thought.When she had been a innocent young girl,Jungkook had promised to her that he will protect her always but he wasn't able to keep his promise. He lied to her that night in the woods. The next morning when she had woken up happily to see Jungkook, she learned that he was gone. She blamed herself for trusting his words. Kaitlyn was the one to blame, she still couldn't stop her heart from loving him.She had been loving him in silence since that night in the woods, he had offered her comfort and had saved her from the wild animals. Jungkook owned her heart for the past ten years and he will always own it,even if they won't be together. Their worlds were feet apart, she was the princess and he was the general. She can never marry lower,only someone to her rank, a prince or a king.

Jungkook felt a tightening on his chest,seeing Kaitlyn blooming into a women,made him feel things that he shouldn't. But it was inevitable,she had became a beautiful women and those feelings he tried push down, resurfaced about her,those shiny sweet eyes that were his weakness. Sometimes he felt guilty having wrong thoughts about her,but seeing her again,Jungkook couldn't take Kaitlyn off his mind. What surprised, was her cold attitude towards him, she never before looked like that to him. Maybe she didn't remember him. Maybe she didn't know he was Jungkook. Or just she had grown up and wasn't the naive little girl anymore, she had taken her role as the princess.

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