Poker Night

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It was the night after the eventful first day and a crowd of girls were gathered at the Navajo bunker. In the middle of the bunker were two girls each holding five cards a bed in between them atop of it lying bills and other paraphernalia used for betting. Suddenly, Callie put down her set with a smug expression.

"Sorry ladies, two pair, read them and weep," she said as she gathered in the pot and the other girl threw in her cards with a heavy and sad sigh. Callie sat back and counted her winnings joyfully, "Well that's it, no more takers?" she asked looking around the room. The other girls didn't budge and it seemed like the end of poker night when the screen door squeaked open and slammed shut. The crowd of girls parted to make way for Lola West who was wearing an oversized nylon black jacket with JW in scripted into the front pocket and shades covering her big blue eyes, swinging a cloth sack filled with coins, judging by the sound it made when she caught it with her other hand and swung it again.

She looked casually serious for poker with her long brown hair up in the same messy ponytail as that morning whereas Callie was wearing a green scarf around her neck and a zipped up grey hoodie and looking very high class with her brown hair pulled up into a high ponytail, the waves cascading down her back.

"I'll take a whack at it." Lola said as she approached the bed, repeating what Callie said earlier that day. She upturned her sack and let the coins spill on the bed then sat down and put the shades atop her head. Callie expertly shuffled the cards and looked coolly at Lola.

"Take a seat, West," she said in a very Tori-like manner. Lola sat down on the stool and put both hands on the bed.

"Deal me in,"

Callie distributed the cards while she and Lola had a stare down. Lola, when she received her set, looked over at the girl next to her and smiled. The game became much more intense, just like the duel fought earlier and the crowd watched as the pot became filled with more coins, bill and other paraphernalia. It was nearing the end of the game and Lola once again gave Callie that mischievous look of hers.

"Tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make you a little deal, loser gets to jump into the lake after the game," she said and her opponent smiled.

"Excellent," she agreed.

"Butt-naked," the crowd gasped in delight.

"Even more excellent; start unzipping West. Straight, in diamonds." Callie declared with a merry twinkle in her blue eyes as she smugly looked over her opponent and laid down five cards from the Ace of Diamonds to the Five of Diamonds.

"Good Vega," Lola said frowning albeit impressed, "But - just not good enough; in your honor, a royal flush." Lola smirked with a shake of her head as she revealed her own set of cards with the King, Queen, Jack, Ten and Ace of Clubs. That wiped off the smile from Callie's face as the crowd wowed and Lola gathered her winnings.


Callie Vega walked towards the end of the dock, butt-naked, in the chilly night air as the other girls and Lola watched her holding lighted candles. They were giggling madly and Lola watched with a content smile as Callie turned around in her birthday suit and gave her a salute. She returned it and watched her perform a perfect dive into the cold black lake.

"Grab her clothes!" she exclaimed after the splash and the other girls hurriedly grabbed the neatly folded sweatpants, hoodie, shirt and pants leaving only Callie's white sneakers. If only her mother could see her now. Ironic, considering her mother actually wouldn't approve of her actions towards her sister. Not that she knew of that little fact.

When she surfaced from the water, all Callie saw were the retreating backs of the other girls. She gasped and swam towards her remaining article of clothing: her sneakers. Shivering from the chill, she looked really pissed.

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