Trouble Comes in Double

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Two horses, black and white galloped through the vineyards that afternoon. Jade was racing after Callie and the two were throwing joking threats to each other about who will win. They reached a dusty pathway and then slowed their horses to a trot.

"So, you excited about our camping trip?" Jade asked her daughter, looking over at her once they came to a complete stop over the cliff.

"What camping trip?" Callie asked confused - obviously her twin failed to mention that part.

"What camping trip? The one we go on every summer before you go back to school." Jade answered her with a look that wondered if she was kidding.

"Oh, that camping trip. Yeah, sure... I can't wait." Callie answered with a smile as if she remembered. She made a note to herself to berate her sister for not telling her.

Looking at the beautiful view, Jade cleared her throat. "So, Lola, what do you think of Nina?" she asked expectantly.

"As what, Momma? Your publicist? Your friend? Your..." she was cut off by her mother.

"No, just - what do you think of her?" she asked, "As a person?"

"Oh she's...uh, cute, nice hair, good teeth. She can spell the word YOU - I don't know." she shrugged. "Honestly Mom, the woman's a complete stranger to me. Why do you want my opinion anyway?" she asked as if she already didn't know. The way Jade and Nina acted around each other they were both headed to much bigger things than being just...friends.

"Well I'll tell you why, Lola. Because believe it or not..."

"Race you back to the ranch, Mom!"

"Lola I'm trying to tell you something!"

Jade watched as her daughter galloped away at full speed. She silently cursed and tried to gallop after her but she was already far ahead.

Callie could not believe that her assumption was correct and that the two were getting married. She hastily jumped off her horse and ran back to the house. Bursting in through the French doors, she paced back and forth starting a monologue; something her mother does too when upset.

"I'm in so over my head here. I can't handle this alone. I just can't. I'm only one kid." Callie started ranting her throwing her arms up and down in panic mode, dropping her accent completely. Cat suddenly looked around from the corduroy arm chair she was sitting on.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class there Lola?" she asked a bit sternly.

Callie jumped up in surprise and clutched her bosom, "Cat," she said out of breath, "You gave me a fright!"

"I gave you 'a fright'?" her godmother echoed standing up and folding her newspaper.

"I mean you scared me. I didn't know you were like, in here." Callie tried to explain as she backed away from the intense look Cat was giving her. But she ended up backing into her uncle who just walked into the room.

"Everything okay in here?" Beck asked, putting both his hands onto his nieces shoulders.

"We're about to find out." Cat replied, standing up and walking towards the two. "You sure there's nothing you want to talk to me about? Like maybe why Sammy never comes near you anymore or why your appetite's suddenly changed or why all of a sudden you're neat as a pin and using expressions like, 'You gave me a fright'." Cat started to inquire the girl as she walked around Callie and crossed her arms.

Beck peered down at her, wondering the same thing. "Yknow Lola, she's right." He said a bit worriedly. "You're sure you're ok?"

"You guys, I changed a lot over the summer that's all." Callie tried to cover herself, moving away from Beck.

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