Chapter 3

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John probably should have told Sera that he had thrown the guy who had broken his arm out the window. Meaning that they would have probably encountered him at the entrance of the building. And sure enough, they did, the guy had been absolutely enraged. Thankfully, with Sera being there, John didn't need to worry about leaving injured. After Sera finished with the guy, they headed out to their favorite place to hang out, aka the Woaba Boba. They got their usual and started chatting for a bit, until the news reporter talked about EMBER and superheroes.

John, in a way, was proud that some people were trying to make a difference and try to use their abilities to help others. He felt as if his father's book had accomplished something much greater than its initial intention. But he also felt frustrated with the fact that EMBER was killing them off as if they were worthless, and it seems like the authorities weren't doing anything to prevent it.

Unfortunately, Sera didn't feel the same way as John and thought that having power for yourself, to prove a point by being stronger, was better than using it for good.

It was very awkward afterward. They split ways, John leaving towards his house and Sera towards the school's dormitories.

That night John dreamt about when he came to Wellston, it was a new start away from Boston, away from his problems, away from his old self. He thought that moving as far away as possible from Boston and pretending to be a cripple would be the best solution. He wouldn't have to face the people he had harmed, even though he used to consider them friends. It's not that he didn't repent, it's not that he just shrugged it off as nothing happened, but after having to see their pained faces as he beat them up: It was too overwhelming. And he was pretty sure that they weren't going to want to see him ever again.

As for being a cripple, John knew he couldn't be King. He had a constant fear that if he used his ability and became King he would go back to being that monster.

John thought that at Wellston he wouldn't have to be that monster anymore, he thought that the hierarchy system was better. He was wrong. The first day he went to Wellston he had gone to his first-class and introduced himself. He felt proud of his new start, that after countless hours of working to change himself, he had finally completely reformed himself. But hard work wasn't worth anything in this world. As soon as class finished, a girl named Elaine came up to him. She pretended to be friendly and all for the one question he hated hearing the most.

"So John, what kind of ability do you have?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Well... To be completely honest... I don't have one."





"What did you just say?" Elaine trembled in anger.

"That I don't have an ability-"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Even her voice was trembling.

"Are you alright? " he grabbed her shoulder trying to get her to calm down.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She pushed John into the desk, trying to get him as far away from her as possible," Gross. I can't believe I just spent all that time talking to someone like you!"

John heard the whispers around him, but he didn't need to hear what they were saying to know. He saw Elaine leaving and decided it was time to stand up from where he had been pushed away.

Later that day he was cornered by two guys. One of them had green hair and the other had longish pink hair. He hadn't seen them in class so he assumed that word had gotten out about him being a cripple. John tried to calm them down so that he could leave, but they were low-tiers. Any chance of there being someone who was below them, they would take it. John didn't bother listening to what they were saying, it was all the same. He saw a pink-haired girl walking across them.

Unordinary : John x Arlo : Idiotic LoveWhere stories live. Discover now