Chapter 5

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Ten minutes of jogging later, he saw his house in the distance. He waited for cars to pass and looked down at his arms. He smiled a bit seeing how Arlo's sweater was a tad big on him. Checking both sides of the road, he walked across the street and onto his doorstep. He opened the door and made sure that when he closed it, to close it as quietly as possible. Waking Sera at 6:30 am was a death wish to anybody who knew her, but as soon as he looked back, he saw Sera sitting on the couch.

"So John, where were ya?"

"Well, I just couldn't sleep so I went to get some breakfast. I already ate mine." Handing the bag to Sera he took off the sweater and jacket placing them on the couch.

"Yeah, I noticed." Glancing back she noticed the sweater." Hey, I haven't seen that jacket before, where did you get it." She took out the last sandwich from the bag, debating on whether to eat it or not.

"Um, well, ya see." Clearing his throat Jonh prepared for impact, " Arlo gave it to me."

"W-WHAT." Sera coughed furiously, from choking on the sandwich.

John flinched not wanting to look at Sera. He understood why Sera didn't trust Arlo. Considering the fact that Arlo is a high-tier and the king of Wellston High School, which is a private school, it would be considered quite weird that Arlo would try to do anything nice towards anyone who was like John. Then again, Sera became John's friend even with her having an even higher status than Arlo. He didn't see what was wrong with trying to befriend him, vice-versa.

Taking the plastic bag that was left abandoned, John took one of the water bottles and handed it to Sera. Sera gladly accepted coughing a bit more afterward.


Pursing his lips he responded, "This morning, actually. When I went to the convenience store he showed up there and he saw me and well we just start talking."

"What did you talk about?"

"Sera can we not-"

"John, you've been acting very strange lately. Especially yesterday, what's going on?" Sera accused the raven. Why couldn't John tell her what was going on? His dad, what happened yesterday with the guy, Arlo.

"Sera everything is fine just forget about it!"

Everything was fine, why couldn't Sera understand that. Yes, he might have been acting a bit strange, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

Who was he kidding? There is something wrong, but he was reluctant to tell Sera. How would she react when she finds out the monster John is? To his past? To the fact that he had been lying to her and the whole school for so long? His stomach churned at just the thought of doing that. He knew he would have to eventually, just not right now.

The couch shifted slightly and the sound of footsteps moved closer to the door.

"Fine then, don't talk. I'll give you some time alone, or maybe call Arlo to come to hang out with you, considering how you two seem to be getting along just fine."

"Sera I-"

The sound of the door being slammed ringed throughout the small house. Looking to his left, he saw that the bag with the food was missing. Well, at least she wasn't that mad.

When Sera returned to her room, she didn't expect to see Elaine and Arlo. She walked to her room, not wanting to speak or even be in the same room as him. She just couldn't wrap her head around the idea of Arlo truly wanting to be John's friend, she knew him all too well. She could feel that whatever Arlo was trying to accomplish, it was going to hurt John.

"Seraphina, may I speak to you for a moment?" the blond spoke, his voice sounded too,- Sera couldn't describe it well, but it felt wrong.

"No, now leave." a foot suddenly was placed between her door, preventing her from being able to close it.

"Seraphina, this time I can't take no for an answer. I need you to come to turf wars as the substitute queen."

"Why should I? Where is Remi, why isn't she going with you?" Sera kicked Arlo's foot, trying to remove it, but kept struggling.

"She had something else to do and you were the best at turf wars." Arlo retaliated.

"Not my problem, and you know I don't do that anymore."

"Look, how about we make a deal then."

Sera stopped, opening the door slightly.

"What type of deal?" skeptical, she looked at Arlo trying to read his intentions.

"Well, if you come to turf wars, you get to have an I.O.U card, and you can use it whenever you want on me, type of deal."

Sera thought about it for a moment. If she used this type of card right, maybe she would be able to find out what the hell Arlo was planning to do with John, and hopefully figure out what John was hiding from her.

Extending her hand, Sera with the most confident and strongest voice she could muster up said the magic word.


Arlo smirked and shook her hand. Little did either of them know that this deal would change their lives.

Notes:Read chapter Author's Note and enjoy the (horrible) drawing I made for Jarlo. It looked better without the blue but I messed up. Oh well. 


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