Chapter 4

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It was dark, it was cold. John didn't know where he was, but something told him to leave. He looked at his surroundings, though there was not much to be seen. He started sprinting, or at least he tried. His body seemed heavy, like even-

"Huh, just look at how weak you are!"


"Quickly! Grab him so he can't escape!"

No, wait-

"You really think you can fight back? WE'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON!"




"Let me help you."


John woke up, choking on his breath. He looked around. He was on his couch, in his house, away from Boston. The raven stood up, wiping away some sweat. He went to the bathroom, washing his face with cold water. He looked up, his reflection staring back at him. He frowned, then forcing himself to calm down he dried his face. He headed to his room to get a hoodie, seeing Sera's sleeping frame on his bed.

He sighed and headed out.

It was a bit cold, but what else could be expected from such hours. The raven walked around his neighborhood, wanting to clear his head. After nearly 20 minutes of walking, he decided to go to his nearest convenience store. It was almost time for breakfast and he did not feel like cooking. He looked around for something that could be considered breakfast, though that task was going to be a challenge. John looked around for a bit before finally being able to find a couple of items that he found decent enough. He got on the line to pay, looking at his surroundings. There were 2 people ahead of him and it appeared as if someone else was looking around. Along with the cashier, there were 5 people there with him.

Why did he have that dream? And now of all times? John sighed, shaking his head. This is not the time to think about that. Someone was chasing them so he needed to focus on keeping Sera as safe as possible.

It was finally his turn to pay. He waited patiently for the cashier to finish scanning his products when he saw a certain blond walk into the convenience store. While John was all up for making friends, especially Arlo if he was really who John thought him to be, he did NOT want to have to be friendly right now when he was trying to calm down from this past day. He pulled his hoodie up and looked down, trying by all means to avoid eye contact. He prayed to god that Arlo would NOT see him. The cashier pulled up the cost and John quickly pulled out a 20. The cashier slowly gave him his change, which made John want to slam his head against the wall. It seemed as if God was mocking him for his desperation.

He felt someone walk behind him.

"John, how have you been?" He heard the voice behind him ask.

He turned around and low and behold, king Arlo. "Oh hey Arlo, I've been good. How about you?" John wanted a hole to appear below him and swallow him whole.

"I'm good too. I see that your arm has healed."

"Yeah, doc sure knows how to quickly heal injuries." John chuckled awkwardly. He turned back to the cashier taking his food. " Well I have to-"

"Do you mind chatting for a bit?" Arlo placed his candy bar in front of the cashier. The cashier quickly ringed him up and finished the transaction.

John wanted to strangle him

"I guess." They walked outside together, feeling a cold breeze hit them. It felt colder than when John arrived at the store. John shivered slightly wanting to go back inside. He should've put on pants or joggers or just something that wasn't the khaki shorts he was wearing.

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