R: 07

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"I didn't know you listen to that kind of songs." 

The sudden voice had awaken the impending brew of sleepiness that Tay was starting to indulge himself in. Three classes in and yet, his body felt too used to function more.

Maybe it was the omelettes, Tay figured in his mind.

"Not usually," And maybe the omelettes too gave him a random boost of serotonin he wasn't expecting. "I accidentally swiped on it and ended up liking it."

"It's my favorite song, you know." New answers with pure interest. Tay scoots further on their shared desk while sinking the information with him. "Last month, I played it non-stop and now I hate it."

Easy laughter travelled between them just as Tay fingers the other end of his headphones. Their professor was always late for this class and he was sure that the readings they needed to do was something he finished a week earlier than due. Always.

He spared a glance at his new company and old acquaintance he regretted not knowing sooner; then before he could swim in self hesitation, he brought his fingers to ease the spare earbud in New's ear.

The boy jumped for a second before a slow smile paints itself on his lips when the song started.

Lucid dreams. Tay looks down as the first verse filled both their ears and somehow, his mind drifted back to the first time he listened to that song and what made him do so.

He wished it was a vivid memory and something he could narrate with exact actions that could condition what he witnessed but it was anything but.

A month before his third year of college would commence, he remembers getting a phone call from his father---one that he wasn't used to given the fact that having a businessman parent didn't require phone calls that were sappy or not family favored; but this one was different.

"My colleague's son is going to study there. He's moving in with you and Off." Tay remember's the line he didn't know would somehow change his life. He remembers answering politely that he would be sure to get to know the kid and look out for him but he didn't expect for the sentiment to be true.

Not even a few days later on a random afternoon, a tall kid who had Western features and undeniable attractive cut walked sluggishly inside their shared unit. He had a guitar case slung on one shoulder, two duffle bags on each hand while his mouth dangled an unlit cigarette that made him jump to his feet.

"You're smoking?" A pair of saddest eyes answered him and Tay didn't know what it was or maybe he did all along but he chose not to remember seeing the same pair of eyes but differently. Back when it was youthful, innocent and pure.

Back when a younger Bright owned them.

"Tay, it's been a while." The little boy he once knew was gone. In front of him was a mixture of a grown up and a rebel child who looked more than ready to fail all his classes.

That was the new Bright he met. Tay lost count on the amount of times he tried to get the kid to talk to them given the short time they had before the school year would officially start. 30 days, it took him. Each day harder than the last to make Bright get up each morning so Off and him could eat his their makeshift breakfast with the younger.

"I'm still sleepy." Bright would always reply when he would take matters in his own hands and take away the hidden liquor bottles under his bunk bed.

"School isn't going to start for another two weeks, save those drinking nights until then. Trust me, you're going to have them a lot." He said, one time before they fall asleep in Off's snoring.

"It's not that," Bright trails off with a solemn voice and a sober mind. "I just like feeling numb."

"Numb? You're no fun. What if you end up dreaming? Then you won't feel the limited fantasy you'll get to live in even for a short while." He replied in the dark.

That time, he was certain that Bright was probably just undergoing a phase like all young adults do. The same phase he went through with Off back in high school when Bright was just someone who was two grades lower than them.

Bright who was the ever euphoric kid he got to meet at one business luncheon he attended with his parents way back. Bright who called him big brother at one point. Bright who asked him to help him ride a bike.

"I'm already dreaming of something I wouldn't want to wake up from."

Bright who no longer delineated his name.

"I wonder if lucid dreamers ever see the people they encounter in their dreams." New suddenly lets out, shaking Tay away from the heaviness of the memory that the song reminded him of.

He was quick to check the front stadium to see their professor's panting figure walk in while a thick portfolio was poorly balanced on one palm.

"Maybe not all," Pulling the earbud from New's ear softly, Tay lets his finger graze the latter's cheek for a second longer. "But I think some of them do."

Understanding the timely interval of Tay's words, New baits his own shot by snatching the other earbud from Tay's ear. If Tay made his finger whisper a quick caress, New made sure that both their skin tingled before he removed his fingertips against Tay's heating cheek.

"And I think we need to stop talking before prof calls us out."

Maybe it wasn't the omelette after all. It was someone. Tay was sure now. 

hi! we're seven chapters in, how is it so far? i know it seems a little boring for now lmao but all these side stories are important so i hope you're reading in between the lines. tell me your thoughts and let's interact, yeah? it encourages me to write! :>

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