S: 08

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Bright knew and heard that somewhere from where he was, a clock was ticking and one he could reach to stop but only he can't.

"Are you fond of looking up at the stars?" An invincible shiver went through him when the dark room made the grand space a lot smaller than it was.

What was a usual 80 minute lecture for their class escalated to a full 120 minute long ass sitting as their eyes fought to stay open while a compiled special case film was played for their whole class to see.

"What stars?" Bright frowned in the darkness when he was able to make out Win's teeth as the latter spoke to him. "These small little spotlights from the projector?"

When he wasn't able to receive an answer, Bright was about to turn his head to face Win but he suddenly felt a hand against the nape of his neck. In timely occasions he was able to recall and the times he would only allow it to happen, Bright was sure that one hand could summarize the number of times he has let other people touch any part of his skin.

"There," The lulling voice of Win drafted through his ears just as smooth pads of fingertips traced the back of his neck until his head was angled right in front of the screen where a woman was saying her testimony from the case being reported.

The frown never left Bright's eyes as it carelessly ran to the playing video in hopes of identifying what kind of star Win was pertaining to. He paused to understand the scene where the woman being interviewed started to sob harder as shining droplets of tears filled her cheeks as did everyone's eyes inside the room.

"I don't think anyone who lost their life savings to a phishing attack just because someone who looked like them claimed it as theirs should be compared to stars." Bright argued even when the back of his neck remained heated because the same fingers never left their little claim there.

"But stars only appear in the darkest times just as tears do." Bright felt the ghost of Win's whisper against his heating cheek before the scene of the woman ended and the front lights were switched open.

"Listen everyone, I know our lecture went a little longer than planned but I'm going to squeeze it in anyway." Their professor's voice sailed along the lecture hall as murmurs of annoyance filled each aisle. "I'm expecting a reaction paper worthy of 200 words minimum by the end of this week. At the end of your paper, be sure to include a conceptualized solution you thought of regarding not only the woman's case in the video but..."

Bright paid his passing hearing on his professor's discussion as he quickly collected his things to sprint for the next class. The sensitivity of his cheek placed him in an emotional turmoil he never thought he'd ever be in and over someone who only whispered a couple of words near him. When the lights were switched a while ago, it was as if a strong gust of realization hit the two of them and Win jumped a couple of inches away from where he sat next to Bright.

The latter, obviously too taken with the darkness from before still felt the after math of his previous actions. Clearing his throat, Bright remembered how Win delicately coughed out a soft, "crap, sorry" before moving away to finally let him breathe back some air.

"After class, today?" Bright stops from zipping his bag up when everyone's shadow clouded over him.

Win stood in front of his still bent figure, hands already tucked neatly inside his front pockets while their shared textbook was hooked under his right arm.

"My last class ends late today."

Figuring he missed their professor's instructions for the reaction paper, Bright tried to chase his professor's whereabouts but Win's face only traced the path of his vision.

"What time will it end?" The younger asked when their faces were finally aligned with each other as they both walked down the inclined aisle. He watched Bright's face morph into this state of confusion which made his heart shaped lips more prominent.

"Around five maybe."

"Then I'll wait for you." Win replied like it was the easiest thing he could say; before opening the door for Bright that the older never noticed they even reached in the first place. He looks back to check the empty lecture hall, making sure they really walked all the way down without him noticing and back to a smiling Win whose eyes seemed to resemble the crystals that Bright remembers seeing on his toy swords before.

He never got the chance to reply because Win turned on his heels to go to his own class but not before giving Bright a small smile he would remember for days and for nights he didn't want to wake up from.

Half an hour before his last class ends, it was given to them to go over their notes for the compiled lecture next meeting; something Bright never bothered himself to worry over. Instead, he strays his fingers imaginably to invincible strings he'd rather have right now.

He would often count to a hundred or list down a number close to that just to complete a number of reasons why he agreed to achieve other people's dreams instead of his own.

"This could be a microphone." Bright mumbles to himself as he twirled the worn out pencil against the thick drawing paper.

But he wasn't over all prepared for the missing strain of loneliness that usually bothers him in this time. There were no bitter groundings or the need to drink again until his throat and head throbbed, just plain curiosity and annoyance of what his life might be. Then again, Bright wasn't prepared for the waiting figure who welcomed his line of vision the second he stepped out of class.

Win and their shared textbook on his lap, fingers tapping at the metal bench he was sat on with eyes trained solely on him and him alone.

"You look tired."

"I am. I want to fall asleep in your arms." Bright fought the urge to say as he alternatively took small steps until he was in front of Win who never strayed his eyes off him.

"I'm not."

Win like the one he knew in his dreams was putty and loud almost like he spilled all his words without thinking of its repercussions. But this Win in front of him was different. He only ever stared like he knew he was lying until a slow and entertained smile made its way on his lips.

"Then maybe you should tour me around before we get to work." Getting up from where he sat, Bright wasn't able to object when Win's warm hand had already clasped itself around his bare arm.

"It's almost six," Bright starts to argue even if his own steps shadowed over Win's.

The university was at its peak of night classes and their steps dodged running students who were either late or school deprived. Win led him while his arm vibrated in capsules of sizzling tablets he used to place in his drinks on numerous night before.

Right before they exit the premises, their steps faltered to fast walking with their limbs still wrapped together. The stoplight was green and Bright tried to pull them to resume walking but Win only retracted their steps until Bright had no choice but to face him.

"Good thing I'm not going anywhere unless it's with you." Win said while slipping his fingers between the spaces of Bright's hand to chase the green light. 

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