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"I was thinking it'd be better if we focus on the back stories. I mean, empathy grieves with the heart in the best way."

"Maybe sympathy too?" Bright suggests after finalizing the first part of their report. It was too taken, everything they have accomplished for the past hours seemed to fall right into place and he was starting to hate it.

He didn't want it to end this quick.

"That too, can be but you know how these victims are. When money is involved, that takes the biggest chunk of hope out of their life." Win points to the article references they had which were mostly from police reports and witness statements of fraud cases that involved almost life long savings.

"If we focus on the back stories, isn't that a little too emotional?" Bright couldn't help but announce wholeheartedly. The mere thought of vulnerability made his skin crawl, offering a blank pause on Win's part.

A few minutes passed and only the sound of Bright's typing could be heard. Win was still next to him, he knew that because their arms couldn't seem to let even a single sheet of paper slide between.

"Bright?" The familiarity of the voice made Bright type a little faster. "Are you scared of feeling them?"

Win's tone wasn't serious instead it was funny even like any second longer he was going to burst into fit of laughter but a certain dread that Bright knew too well settled at the very tip of his tongue, "Feeling them?"


Bright stops by a sentence, eyebrows creasing when Win's voice faltered to a diaphanous tone.

"Don't be stupid, not everyone's a sap."

He was done typing when Win built the courage to peek on their work. Both their fingers were numb from swiping informations and compiling content for their report but even then, the ache on Win's fingers translated to a calculating desire to soothe Bright.

Bright's hand stopped just when the hair that seemed to fall over his eyes were gently combed back.

"Let's grab something to eat." Win turns his head until their eyes met. The early evening glow before the sun completely sets complimented every detail on Win's face allowing Bright to see every mark he wasn't able to trace with his eyes.

"We're not done yet,"

"This can wait," Closing the laptop for Bright before saving the file, Win left Bright no choice but to get up on wobbly knees. "But your stomach can't and when your stomach growls, what do you feel?" Win continues to ramble as they quietly exit the library.

Lately it seems that Win was always his guide while walking and Bright couldn't help but compare himself to a little child whose mother never allowed their hands to separate.

"Hangry..." The distant university gates they crossed multiple times were steps away but Win was quick to spin on his heels to face Bright in confusion.

"Hungry and Angry." Bright prodded before a sinking smile punctured his mouth but he turns away before Win could see it. "Hurry up now or I'll be angry too."

"That shit was so whack but it made sense."

"I'm a funny guy, it just might not seem like it."

"Bright," An airy laugh accompanied the name calling and they stopped before the pedestrian. This time, they made sure to wait for the full green light to give them ample time to cross the road.

Bright turns his head just in time for whatever Win was about to randomly say again.

"For a funny guy your humor is so damn sad."

It seems like the library meet ups were taken advantage of by more pairs that day. A little before the bell rings for the start of night classes, Off exists the library with a rambling Gun behind him.

"Cause I told you how it would be wise if we compiled the websites after every reference. Now I have to spend my night tracking my search history for the past week!"

Off could feel the twitching of his eye but he forced his steps to continue even if Gun's small frame adorably matched his pace.

"That's not even the worst part. You forgot to use the right format and now it's going to mess up the pictures if I move the text."

"Just keep walking this minion will get tired." Off whispers under his breath.

"And the thing is—Jumpol!" A heavy arm settled against his backpack, dragging his steps to a full stop.


The both of them didn't even notice they exited the university, crossed the streets and were now heading straight for the dormitories.

"You're so small yet so loud, where the hell do you store all that power?" Off couldn't help but ask in disbelief when a couple of heads turned to stare at them.

Gun skips in front of him, figuratively blocking the parking lot of their dormitory that was reserved for visitors' parking.

"Jumpol, I don't question your dumbness daily even if you have proved it multiple times in the short time we've worked together."

The past few weeks was the hardest and probably the most regrets he's ever had, Off was sure. He wakes up to a demanding text of complains about all his working flaws and unlike the life he had before Gun, receiving random texts in questionable hours of the day made him giddy but now.

"Gun, you're too uptight that's why we find it hard to just work peacefully." Off practiced it in his head a few times before and he feels like it was now the right time to say it only if a car door didn't open and a voice he knows without looking didn't call his name.

"Good evening Off, is Bright with you?" 

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